Page 70 of Ride with Zane
“Hey, Princess,” Rock drags me closer and kisses me. “You done with your old man?”
“Yeah, can we talk alone?”
“Oooh, good luck man.” Brick takes a gulp of his beer.
I stick out my tongue. “two minutes and you’ll have him back.”
“I thought you’d last longer, Prez.”
“Fuck you, Brick.”
He chuckles while Rock takes me to his office and as soon the door closes, he comes over, takes me up and kisses me. He makes me sit on the desk. “I missed you Princess.”
“Me too.” I let my hand travel south while flames burn in his eyes. I want to burn too. I can’t get enough of him and the way he makes me feel.
“You’re venturing in a dangerous zone, Princess.”
“Danger is my jam after all.”
He growls on my neck sending chills down my spine. “What are you doing to me?”
“Loving you?” I breathe while his hands grip my hips.
I feel his lips stretch in a smile, before he bites into my flesh. “Love this answer.”
Mentally I shake myself reminding what I came here for. I push and make him sit on the chair in front of me. He tries to get up but I push him back with my foot and place my feet on the armrests to block him in place and the sparkle in his eyes makes my heart race. “Let me finish what I have to say and then, maybe, I’ll let you fuck me.”
He cocks a brow while leaning on the backrest with a smirk “With such a view I can definitely wait.”
My cheeks burn when I realize he can see my panties. I shake my head and take a deep breath, ready to explain my plan. “I've talked to dad,” his eyes snap up. “and I've decided to give a speech during the autumn fair.” I pause feeling a little nervous. “But I also want The Black Panthers to be there with me.”
Rock's eyes widen, surprise evident on his face. “Ash, that's a bold move. Are you sure about it, they’ll know you’re tied to us?”
“As if they didn’t know who I belong to.” I giggle, remembering how he made sure no one could come closer at ZBE and from then I started wearing his shirts. Both to teasehim but have his scent on me too. “You and the club have become my family. I want to show them that The Black Panthers isn’t just a ruthless gang.”
Rock's expression softens, and his fingers caress my legs. “You know we’re proud of you. You don’t have to make anyone change their mind. But we'll be there for you if you want us.”
The autumn fair will be a chance to showcase the true essence of The Black Panthers, to break down barriers, and to bring our community closer together.
“Ash!” Kelly squeezes me in a hug. “I missed you, Miss Gold Medal.”
“Been busy with training.” I move away and make her swirl. “You look amazing!”
“New look,” her smile gets bigger while her eyes move behind me.
“Hey, trouble.”
She gives Blue a middle finger and focuses back on me.Oh shit!“Grandma said she’s missing you.”
Kelly was out of town for a few weeks of vacation, and I missed her a lot but looking back, I’m happy she wasn’t around. “We’ll go, I promise, but I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“Oh, I see,” her grin gets bigger. “a panther, huh?”
“Always been a little savage.”
Rock bursts out laughing, and I look back at him with a raise of a brow. “Sorry, Princess.” He moves away while Blue stays right behind me. I feel an ant and when I flip my head back, I can’t miss that look.
“Why do I feel like I’m playing an old man out?”