Page 30 of Pretty Monsters
"You didn't have to sleep in the tub," he grumbles.
I can't stand here next to him, picturing his hands on another woman, without at least caffeine to help me control my mouth. "You've had long enough," I mutter to the pot, and replace it with my mug.
Drip, drip, drip. I'm not sure why I thought it would come flooding out into my cup faster than it was going into the pot. I'm committed now though, and I will have my coffee.
When my cup is half full, I switch it back with the pot. It isn't nearly enough to get me through the day, but it's a start.
"Not a morning person?" he asks.
I raise my brows at him. "Really? You are going to try and have a conversation with me?"
He sighs. "Come on, princess."
"Don't. Fucking. Call. Me. Princess," I all but growl.
He smirks. "That's what you are, though. You're the princess of the Blackthorne empire."
"Is that why?"
"Why what?" he asks confused.
"Why you went out and screwed a stranger. You need to push me away, because of who I am."
"Don't flatter yourself. I fucked that girl last night because I wanted to get off. She was willing, and knew how to suck a dick. Even if you weren't daddy's little princess, I still wouldn't have chosen you because I don't break in virgins."
Sweet innocent little Raven. Always treated like I'm made of glass. Funny thing about glass, you can shatter it, but the pieces that remain are jagged and dangerous to touch. I've been shattered for years. Pieced together shard by shard. Tempered in fire, and stronger for the damage I've sustained. No one knows me, because no one's bothered to try.
"I've grown up in all girls' schools. All of the students were girls, but not all of the staff," I throw out and storm out of the room.
He follows me and cages me against the wall. "What the fuck does that mean?" He's seething, and I'm surprised to find I enjoy his anger. I know he wants me to fear him, but I don't.
"It means, don't assume you know everything about me."
His fist hits the wall near my head. Instantly he's pulled away, and staring straight at an angry Lucien.
"What the hell is going on here?" Lucien demands.
Sin throws his hand out toward me. "Ask your sister. She's the one making cryptic comments about men at her old school."
"Raven?" he asks me.
I blink up at eyes that mirror my own. "Lucien."
He scrubs a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture I'm coming to recognize. "Were you assaulted by a teacher?"
I look away from him. "No." The reply tastes bitter on my tongue, but it’s the truth as I choose to see it.
"Thank god," he mutters.
"I had an affair with a teacher's assistant."
"What the fuck, Raven?" he shouts. "Do you know what father would have done to you if he found out?"
"I'd have to know him to guess that," I answer.
"Damnit! He'd have killed you. He wants to sell your virginity to the highest bidder."
I shrug. "Too late."