Page 32 of Pretty Monsters
"Why not," I move to sit on the picnic table, and he stops me.
"A strong wind will eventually knock those things down. Take my chair, I'll go get another one." He runs over to the middle of the building and walks into an unlocked door.
"Do all of you live together?" I ask, popping the tab on the generic beer asshole hands me.
Douche is the one to answer. "Yeah, ours is a two bedroom. Teddy sleeps on the sofa."
"That's me!" the eager guy replies. "That is Shane by the barbecue and Ford with the impressive resting bitch face."
I look at Ford. "It is quite impressive."
Shane, formerly known as douche, barks out a laugh.
Upstairs I hear the door to our apartment fly open, and Sin practically flies down the stairs.
"Oh, hey Jackson. I didn't realize you lived here. Do you know Alice?" Teddy asks. His innocence is adorable. Is this how Lucien and Sin see me?
Sin glares at me. "You could sayAliceand I are nearly perfect strangers."
"Jacksonis my brother's roommate. We just moved in yesterday. When did you guys meet?"
Teddy doesn't pick up on social cues very well. He continues interacting with everyone with a giant grin on his face. "At the bar around the corner last night. He joined us for a game of pool."
"Jess seemed upset when you left last night. Seemed kind of abrupt after what we heard coming out of the bathroom," Ford says, glaring at Sin. Looks like I'm not the only one Sin has managed to piss off since last night.
"Is that her name?" Sin asks and chuckles.
"You didn't even bother to get her name?" I ask. "Seriously?"
Sin looks unfazed. "Let's go, Alice."
I move over to the chair Teddy gave up and sit down. "Nah, I'm good here. You should run along. I'm sure there's a few STD's you haven't contracted yet."
Ford looks at me and smirks. Without saying anything he hands me another beer. Sin wants to stop me if I'm reading his rigid posture and clenched jaw correctly.
Conversation is stilted since Sin came downstairs. I try to think of something to revive the relaxed mood. I'm left with initiating small talk. "So, what do you guys do?"
Of course Teddy rises to the challenge. "We're students at Playa Pacifica Community College. Shane is getting a technical certificate to be an electrician. I'm getting my generals done to save money, and Ford was recruited to play football."
Taking a better look, I realize Ford is ridiculously attractive. I'm not as drawn to him as I am Sin, but I could definitely turn my attention his way.
He's tall, over six feet. His hair is a rich coppery brown, and pair well with whiskey colored eyes. There are fine lines around his eyes, even though he's clearly in his early twenties, indicating he spends lots of time in the sun. Wide shoulders and a trim waist are evident under a light blue t-shirt. Yeah, he seems to be a little bit of an asshole, but nice guys don't do it for me.
I'm new to being around a lot of guys, but I've learned a bit in the last few days traveling with Sin and my brother. Men like Ford enjoy the chase, and I intend to run. Teddy, who honestly reminds me of a stuffed bear, is totally focused on me.
"Do you like going there?"
Surprisingly, Shane is the one that responds. "School is school. If it gets me out of this shit hole, then I'm all for it."
"Do you know what you want to do?" Ford asks, his voice a low growl.
"Not a clue," I tell him.
His eyes hold mine, and I'm not sure if his attention is because he's interested, or if he really wants to piss Sin off. Honestly, I'm fine with it either way, because I'm not sure about my own motivations.
"I can give you a tour of campus and introduce you to some of the girls we know. Living with that asshole, I'm guessing you could use some friends?" Ford offers.