Page 47 of Pretty Monsters
"Oh, yeah. I'm excited, but I don't have a suit." I didn't have any clothes really. Everything I've been wearing used to be Sin's. All of my clothes from school were tossed out when I arrived at my father's home and replaced by frilly nightmares that would fit a princess.
"Don't be mad," she begins.
I frown. "Nothing good ever starts like that."
She grabs some bags sitting by the couch. "My aunt owns a boutique on the pier that caters to tourists. When some of the stock doesn't sell, she lets me have first pick. I've chosen so much over the last couple of years I don't even have room for most of it. Ford mentioned you lost most of your things and that's why you moved out here with your brother."
I nod. I'm not sure where the story comes from, but as far as backstories go, it's plausible. "Yeah, it was pretty sudden, and I was going to fix it yesterday, but then I fell and hit my head. But, I can't take your things."
"Oh, you most definitely can. In fact, I need you to. My mom is making me decide what doesn't give me joy or some crap and will start deciding what she doesn't like if I don't. I haven't even worn these."
"She's not joking. There are piles of clothes all over her room. Tessa and I don't even go shopping anymore, other than in Amber's room," Jen joins the conversation.
"It's an illness. She can't help herself. Her aunt has more money than sense, and when it comes to spoiling our little Amber, she literally piles it on. I think the fact it annoys her older sister is a big part of it too," Tessa adds.
"Well, in that case, thank you," I say, and take the bags.
"I still need to grab some things out of my apartment," I grumble.
"Teddy and I will go," Amber volunteers.
"I don't know about that," I hedge. Honestly, I don't know my brother well, but I can add the fact he doesn't like surprises to what I do know about him. My hand flutters up to my head, and my eyes find Ford. His scowl says everything. Either I let them go, or he goes.
"They'll be fine," Sin whispers, having quietly moved next to me.
"Okay," I relent.
"Get enough clothes to last them more than a few days," Ford commands. "Ted, get Jackson's clothes while you're up there too, please."
I don't realize I'm shaking until Sin's hands land on my shoulders. "You aren't ready to see him yet." His voice is quiet and meant for only me.
"No, I don't think I am," I answer in the same tone.
Teddy and Amber are efficient and return in under twenty minutes. They bring the bags straight to the large Suburban Amber borrowed from her aunt. It's lucky we have access to a vehicle that will actually fit all of us, because Ford said it would take a little over an hour to reach the cabin.
"Come sit back here with us, so the guys can talk about whatever," Amber says, patting the seat next to her in the back row.
It's a tight squeeze with all four of us girls sitting together, but it’s the only way all eight of us will fit. Shane and Teddy take the front leaving Ford and Sin to take the middle.
When the city is behind us, Sin's head bobs a few times and he falls asleep. I know this is rare, because he barely dozed off on our drive from Devil's Crossing. My chest aches realizing he's exhausted from watching over me all night.
Amber starts bouncing in her seat as soon as we begin to climb into the mountains. Her excitement is infectious, and soon everyone is fidgeting ready to start the weekend.
Shane turns off the main road, taking a dirt path barely wide enough for the SUV. It's bumpy, and the jostling brings back some of the nausea I felt the day before, but I manage to control my breathing to keep from being sick in the car. Thankfully, it only takes a few minutes for him to pull up in front of a large log cabin.
My mouth falls open when I see the sprawling cabin. It has a main section with the typical A-frame roof, but extends to wings on either side. The metal roof has solar panels that sparkle along with the large windows on the front of the building.
"What did you expect, a shack with an outhouse?" Tessa teases.
At my birthday party I picked up on hostility from her. It's clear she has a thing for Ford, though he seems to run hot and cold with her. However, after Sin and I shared a bed last night, she seems to have warmed up to me.
Ford is beautiful, and I wish I liked him as more than a friend. He would be the smart choice. A man I stood a chance at having a normal life with. But, fuck normal. I've just learned I'm the daughter of a crime lord who buys and sells children. I've been groomed since I was a child to be sold as a virgin bride to further his political aspirations. There's no way I will ever have a typical life, and no point in pulling someone like Ford into my darkness.
Not that Sin is an option either. It's clear my brother would try and prevent us from being together, even if Sin wanted to. His hooking up with Jess showed me he doesn't. Yeah, when he's unconscious his body seeks mine, but when he's awake he seems to want to be as far away from me as possible.
"Alice? Were you listening?" Tessa interrupts my internal monologue.
I give her a slight smile. "Sorry, my head is still foggy. I think I zoned out for a bit."