Page 77 of Pretty Monsters
"So much for going to school," Lucien grumbles.
Damien always finds a way to ruin our lives. Always.
"For now," Raven comforts her brother.
"Do you think we've been spotted here?" Lucien wonders.
"The apartment manager did spend a lot of time looking at Raven." There's no way he wouldn't take a bribe. "The bigger threat is the fact that the strip club is going to know you weren't who you said you were."
"How long before they track the spyware?"
"It depends on if anyone they have is as good as either of us with computers."
"Do we run, or make a stand?" Lucien asks.
"If we run, we're going to have to keep running. All of our time and energy will be focused on staying one step ahead." Even though I believe this, I still want to grab Raven and flee.
"You've got us here, I say you make a stand," Ford asserts.
"People could die," I warn.
"Better make sure it's them then," Ted says, surprising us all.
One Step Back
The guys workinto the night getting a couple of the rooms ready to be used. Shane and Ted leave for a bit to get mattresses for us and to empty out our apartment. They return with Jen and Amber in tow.
"I saw your picture on the news today," Jen says.
I turned away when Lucien queued up the interview. If I didn't know what a snake he was under his slick exterior, I'd have fallen for Damien Blackthorne's act.
While I didn't watch it, I could still hear it. Damien is alleging we were taken by a political rival. Governor Arthur Whitmore was never mentioned by name, but the implication was clear. Just the cloud of suspicion could be enough to swing the election away from the popular two-term governor.
A governor who happened to install an anti-crime task force focusing on organized crime. Taking down Whitmore serves Damien on several levels. Not only can he expand his network by using the government as an extension of his crime network, but he also eliminates a very real threat.
I can see all of this as if I'm watching two chess masters battle. Every move is plotted several steps ahead, and I have a sinking feeling I am only a pawn in this game. If he's taking these moves now, what bigger surprise is he holding on to?
"Raven, have you heard what I've said?" Jen waves her hand in front of my face.
I blink several times, exiting my inner musings. "No, sorry. I was just thinking about what it means that he's taking this step now. We've been gone a few weeks now."
"Yeah, and we've got another problem. No one has seen or heard from Jess in over a week."
"She’s the girl from my impromptu party?" I should feel worse that she’s missing, but I think I'd lose my shit if she came on to Sin in front of me again. I can barely be in the same room as Tessa, and at least I know she's got a twisted thing with Ford.
"Then we might have a problem if she sees the news. I think she’d call us first though. The girl has issues, but she's never disappeared before." Jen bites her bottom lip and stares out the window.
"Do you ever have one of those creepy feelings like something bad is going to happen and you're powerless to stop it?" Jen whispers.
Amber isn't paying attention to our conversation. She's busy setting food out on a fold out table so the guys can eat as soon as they are done working upstairs. They've been at it for hours without a break, and a bunch of hangry, dirty men doesn't sound like a good time.
"My entire life is one of those creepy feelings. I do have a sense I'm missing something," I answer her.
"What are you missing?" Lucien asks. He strolls over to the table. Amber stares at him dazed. He winks at her and piles food on a plate as if that's a normal reaction he gets from women.