Page 81 of Pretty Monsters
"Of course, I trust you, Teddy."
"You shouldn't," he clips out.
He clinches his jaw, and the mother fucker seems to grow. The slouched posture and permanent smile disappears, and left in its place is a stranger.
"You don't know me, Jess. Not really. So let me ask you again, are you sure you're willing to stay out here with me? There aren't any street lights. No people around for blocks. I don't need the empty warehouse. Look around, do you see anyone coming to save you?"
Jess licks her chapped lips, and she starts to shake. Perhaps it's out of fear, but I'm starting to believe she's on something. "Teddy, this isn't like you," she says in a baby soft voice.
"Actually, this is the most real I've ever been with you. So what's it going to be? Are you staying out here with me, or are we going inside?"
For a moment I am afraid he actually means her harm, but I see he's using fear to propel her inside on her own so neither of us have to risk her getting hurt by forcing her to go in.
"I'll go," she whispers. This time when a shiver racks her body I'm almost certain it's from fear.
When we walk inside and she sees everyone else she relaxes, that is until she spots Lucien. He steps forward, and she steps back.
"Adam? What are you doing here?" she asks.
He shakes his head. "My name is Lucien Blackthorne, and we have to have a talk."
"Have you watched any tv today?" he asks.
She shakes her head, and mindlessly scratches her arm. "N–No. I wasn't feeling well this morning, then I had to work."
In other words, she has been coming down from whatever she's been on for at least a day and needed the tips in order to score more.
Jen moves between them and takes Jess's wrist in her hand. "We've been worried about you. We're going to get you some help."
Jess snatches her wrist away. "I don't want your help. I'm sick of watching all of you with your perfect lives. None of you give a shit about me. Just let me go."
"So you can go to your dealer? What are you on, coke, heroine, or is it meth?" Ted chuckles. "Yeah, I'll bet that's it. When's the last time you used?"
She looks down, confirming his guess. "Yesterday," she mumbles.
"She needs rehab," Jen says after another round of shaking takes over Jess.
Lucien crosses his arms. "She needs to stay the fuck away from people. You're a nurse, right?"
"Yeah," Jen sighs. "This is less than ideal."
"So is being murdered by my father. I'd say this is definitely the lesser of the evils we get to choose from."
"I don't want to go to rehab. I just need a little to take the edge off," Jess insists.
Ford scoffs and leaves the room. Raven follows after him, and my teeth clench. I know I pushed her away, but I'm not going to fucking watch her turn to him for comfort.
"I've got this," Jen says, watching Raven. "Go."
Lucien stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder. "I know you think you fucked up. We didn't see Ted for who he really is. That isn't all on you. I need to focus. Don't go throwing away what's good in your life."
I shrug his hand off. "You haven't spent much time around him though, so you didn't miss shit. Don't you see that a slip like that could get her killed?"
"She's my sister, fucker. You don't get to feel guilty about everything. And. She's. Fucking. Fine. Not to mention that we just gained one scary ass mother fucker as an ally."