Page 84 of Pretty Monsters
"She's right. We can't keep her forever. Sooner or later we have to let her go, and when we do she's going to use again."
Lucien shrugs. "Probably. If this stupid bitch wants to snort drain cleaner once she's free we aren't going to be able to stop her. But, until my father is taken care of she's a threat. The chance of her selling all of us out for drugs is too high. I'm sure this is a much more acceptable way to keep her quiet."
"As opposed to what?" Shane asks, even though the look on his face says he already knows what option two is.
"I know my role in this group was the naive jokester, but you can't really be that clueless," Teddy says. "She either stays here, where we can try and convince her to sober the fuck up, or we kill her."
"No, I'm not participating in that," Shane argues. He looks at me apologetically. "I wouldn't do anything to put you at risk, Raven, but I can't condone killing anyone."
"Don't be stupid," Teddy scoffs before I can speak. "They told us what we were getting into, and we all agreed to help. We were warned, but apparently I was the only one who knew what the fuck we were getting into. This isn't just about Raven. If Jess runs her mouth they will kill all of us to get to her."
"He's right," Amber speaks for the first time all evening. "I agree we can't kill her, so she has to stay."
Shane paces, his hands fist in his hair, and he appears to be on the verge of ripping it out. "This is so fucked up."
"So, you're happier turning her loose so she can shove more shit up her nose and selling her body to get it?" Lucien taunts.
"Enough," Sin demands. "Yes, this is fucked up. This is our world though, and Ted's right, you agreed to climb down in it with us. I'll do whatever is necessary to protect Raven, and the rest of you. Jess stays where she is, or she disappears. But, make no mistake, if you let her leave, she'll die."
Shane stops moving and looks at Sin like he's really seeing him for the first time. "You'd just kill her?"
"I didn't say that. I wouldn't have to anyway. She's killing herself right in front of your eyes. You let her leave here, and she's going to OD."
"He's right. I don't know how long she's been using, but even if it's just been the last week she's messed up. There'll be no time for her to hit rock bottom and ask for help at the rate she's going," Jen says.
"I don't feel good," Jess warns right before she hurls all over herself.
"Hose her off. I've got to check in on Ford. He's been gone too long." Sin pulls out his phone and fires off a text.
Several minutes later, and there's still no answer. No one speaks to fill the silence. The only sounds are the dry heaving coming from Jess as her body begins to detox.
Sin grabs a gun from the desk in the office and shoves it in the back waistband of his jeans. "I'm going after him."
Almost as if he were summoned, Ford limps through the door. He shuts it and throws the locks, pulling a bar across the door for added security.
He turns around and my stomach sinks. He's got a black eye, a busted lip, and his knuckles are cut and bleeding. Smirking as much as possible with his injured mouth, he says, "You should see the other guys."
"Who jumped you?" Sin asks, but his eyes flicker to the door.
"There were people already at the apartment. I knew they were there looking for the three of you, because they came from the stairs, and your front door was kicked open," Ford explains.
"We need to go," Lucien demands.
Ford raises his hands. "This building isn't in my name. It's buried under dummy corporations because my father is a vindictive bastard who would fight over my inheritance if he knew it existed. I know I look like I went ten rounds with a heavyweight, but I was not followed."
Sin's eyes narrow in disbelief. "How would you know?"
"There were two men at the complex. Both were unconscious when I left. I punctured the tires of every car besides my own when I left. I feel a little bad about that, but I wasn't going to leave them to be stolen and follow after me."
"There could have been another team waiting and watching," Lucien supplies.
Ford nods. "I thought of that, so I drove around for a bit. Once I was sure no one was following me I doubled back and came here. There's a garage bay at the rear of the building I use to work on cars, so I made sure to pull my car in out of sight."
"How did they end up at the apartment so fast?" Shane asks.
"One of the people from the club probably recognized me and called the tip line," Lucien says.
Damien provided a hotline to help find his lost daughter. If that number goes to the actual police they were undoubtedly in his pocket.