Page 89 of Pretty Monsters
Ted pokes his head in the room. "Did she have anything with her when you grabbed her?"
"A bag. I think she left it in the car," he answers.
"Take me," I demand.
We hurry out to the front where they parked the truck. Sure enough her tattered bag sits on the floor. I search through it and find her cell phone.
Ted and I exchange a look. "They'll connect that back to her in no time. A halfway decent hacker will be able to lock on the location within an hour."
"That's bad news for us. Lucien and I are better, but nearly every team has some computer skills."
Ted rocks on the balls of his feet. "I've got a suggestion, but it's extreme. A block up there's another industrial complex, but it's completely abandoned. The layout is the same as this building before the renovations."
"Are you suggesting we set up an ambush?"
He smiles. "Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"
I really misjudged Ted, but it doesn't bother me as much now. Lucien is right, I innately trust him to have our backs.
"Go grab Ford, and I'll start gathering supplies," I tell him.
A few minutes later he returns with Ford, Shane and Lucien in tow. "I think I know why Damien's team went back to the club."
"Why?" Lucien asks.
"Employee records. Jess probably listed her cell phone as her primary number," I explain.
Lucien slaps his hand against his forehead. "Which means they will have the ability to track it."
"And we're going to be ready for them. There's a warehouse a block over. We're going to leave the phone and set up ready to attack them," I explain.
"But if we leave here, and they already have the location, the girls are going to be vulnerable," Lucien argues.
"That's why we're sending them away," I state.
"No," Raven says from the door.
I glare at her, but she holds her hand up to stop me. "I'll stick by your side, but if I go with Jen and Amber they could be more at risk. Besides, I am capable with a weapon. I'd rather have a fighting chance than be a liability."
"You promised to listen," I remind her.
Her chin tips up in defiance. "I did, but you'll be worried about me the entire time we're separated. How does that help either of us be safer?"
"She makes sense, and we saw what she can do with weapons," Ford takes her side.
Lucien claps his hand on my shoulder. "We don't have time to argue this. We need to move out."
"Shane, take the girls and go," Ted orders.
He nods, and heads to get Jen, Amber, and Jess. The latter is tied up and gagged before unceremoniously being dumped in the cargo bay of his SUV.
Raven starts strapping knives and guns to the holsters on her tactical pants. I'm not sure where she got the change in clothes, but it's good someone thought ahead. Next she straps a quiver of arrows and the bow she used the other day to her back.
Silently, we move up the block toward the warehouse Ted mentioned. Lucien continues to monitor their progress on his cell phone.
"They've left the club and are heading straight for us. I think they took the bait."
"Can you tell how many are coming?" Ted asks.