Page 103 of Perfect Sin
“I can’t make it either,” Ted speaks up. “I promised my mom I’d take her back to Chicago to see her sister.” Also a bullshit excuse. His mother hasn’t spoken to a single member of her family since they fled Chicago and is actually going to Malibu on a trip with her new boyfriend.
“Shane and I can look after Raven if she wants to go to the party,” Ford says, baiting the hook.
Raven bats her eyes. “That sounds so much better than entertaining myself while the two of you sit in a stuffy meeting.” She looks at Amber. “What do you say? Think we can steal Jen away from her textbooks long enough for a girl’s night?”
“I can be very persuasive,” Amber says, and winks at Ted and Lucien. She’s grown bolder since her makeover. She’s not quite the mouse I pegged her as when I met her. Good thing, because she’s managed to hook up with two of the most dangerous men I know. She’ll need to discover her claws if she intends to see that relationship through.
“It’s set then,” Tessa says. “I’ve actually got to run, but I’ll talk to you about the details later,” she says to Raven and Amber.
She nods quickly to me, a reminder she remembers to check in after she’s met with Jesse. He’s been getting impatient on her progress and demanded to meet with her today.
Poppy continues to watch us, so we make a show of continuing with lunch, talking about all sorts of inane things, mostly the party plans which are a pain, but they’re necessary cover for the trap we’re planning to spring.
The alert on my phone goes off, and I start putting trash on my tray. “I’ve got it,” Lucien murmurs. “Just go.”
I take Raven’s hand and lead her from the table. Ford knows about my suspicions, but only Lucien knows about the doctor’s appointment. Since the at-home tests didn’t work, the doctor said she will have to do a blood test to confirm or rule out pregnancy. Unfortunately, they don’t have a lab in their office, so we’ll have to wait until next week to get the results back.
* * *
The mood is somber backat the house. Ted is frantically trying to get a hold of Holbrook, with no luck, and Raven and I are staring at her phone, even though we know we won’t hear anything back until Monday at the earliest.
Ford storms in the house and slaps a newspaper down on the table. “Have you seen this?” he says, pointing to a picture on the front cover.
“Damien is in the news all the time now that he’s running for office,” Lucien says, pushing the paper away.
“Not that,” Ford stabs his finger on the photo. “This.”
I move closer, studying the spot he indicated. “Sonofabitch!”
Ted takes it from me, and in seconds he explodes in anger. “That slimy, two-faced bastard! What the ever loving fuck is Holbrook doing in public with Damien?”
“What is he doing with him at all is an even better question,” Lucien says, taking the paper back to get another look.
“It wouldn’t be the first time Damien has managed to flip a Fed,” I remind him.
He nods. We’ve both witnessed all manner of law enforcement come and go from Blackthorne Manor over the years. Most are lured by money, some through blackmail, all of them end up doing his bidding.
“But now we have to wonder how much he’s told Damien,” Lucien sighs.
“We have to assume he’s told him everything. Not only that, but we can’t trust any of them,” Ted seethes.
“We need to meet with Gerrick, now,” I insist. I don’t trust him either, but we need him to get to Jones.
Lucien tries him again, and this time he answers. Lucien puts the phone on speaker and sets it on the table. “Gerrick, there’s been a snag. Several of them actually.”
“I know, that’s why I’ve been out of touch. Don’t trust your Fed, and don’t move on the kid. I’m handling it,” he says.
“See, we don’t trust you either, so why should we do that?” I say.
“Sin? Of course you’re on the line too. You guys don’t do anything alone, do you? Look, I’m not asking you to trust me, but I’m telling you there is more to this than you know. I need some time.”
“Jones has that douchebag trying to get Raven for him. Doesn’t sound like he wants to meet with us,” I reply.
“You’re right. I’m pretty sure it was a ruse. Word has been spreading that my business isn’t quite as illicit as the previous Gerrick. One of my moles inside Damien’s operation told me Jones has already reached out to him directly.”
“Then we need the evidence Natalie said she has. There’s no time to give you. If Damien knows or even suspects we’re coming for him, we’re all in danger,” Lucien speaks up.
“There’s no if about it. We’re in danger, and I’ve got to move my family before Damien finds them. He’d do anything to get Natalie back, and I won’t let him have her.”