Page 12 of Perfect Sin
One Happy Family
“Are you ready for this?”Lucien asks when he stops by my room while we’re waiting to leave for the benefit.
“As ready as I can be to watch my husband escort another woman to a benefit,” I grumble.
Lucien squeezes my hand, a surprisingly empathetic move for my brother. “I know this is hard. You will get him back. How did you get on this morning?”
There are ears everywhere in this nightmare house. Most of them are electronic, but someone is always listening. Lucien and I have developed a code to discuss our covert plans to provide Agent Grant Holbrook with enough evidence to end Damien’s reign of terror forever.
“I’m getting a better feel of the layout of the library. I haven’t located the reference books I need yet, but I think by the time classes start I’ll have found what I need.”
We have no intention of being here when I start class. Nothing Damien does is altruistic, so there will come a time when one or both of us is a liability. Neither of us are willing to sit and wait for that to happen.
“How about you? How is it going learning the family business?” I ask him.
“‘Bout what I expected.” Meaning he hasn’t turned up any evidence either.
My phone vibrates in my hand, and I eagerly look at the screen hoping to see Sin’s name. Instead, I find a number I don’t recognize. Curiosity has me opening the text.
You looked great on the news. I’ve missed you.
My hand trembles as I drop my phone in my bag. I’d smash it into pieces, but that is sure to garner my brother’s attention. I force myself to take a calming breath. I don’t know who it’s from, not for sure. It might not be fromhim.
Lucien’s phone signals an incoming text, drawing my attention. “It looks like the car is here. Ready to pretend to be a happy family for the cameras?”
There would be a lot of pretending for me it seems. Being a happy family and pretending my past might not be coming back to haunt me.
“Is Mother really going with us?” I ask. Lucien misses the small catch in my voice. I try and focus on the present and redirect my attention back to the woman I haven’t caught sight of since I’ve been back, Angela Blackthorne, our mother.
“That’s what he said. I guess he summoned her back from Switzerland or wherever she goes when she’s not here.”
Damien stands near the door with a tiny blonde woman. I don’t see any resemblance from either Lucien or myself in her. Her eyes are blue, but much lighter than either of ours. The only thing I may have gotten from her is her size.
Unfortunately we both bear a strong resemblance to the bastard who seems to relish in our pain. Lucien, more than me. I wonder how he feels when he looks in the mirror.
“I’m sure you are both aware how important it is that we look like a close family tonight,” Damien reminds us.
“I know this is what you need to become governor. I’m not sure how that benefits either Raven or I for you to have more power,” Lucien retorts.
His talking back has less bite to it than before because he’s still playing the reluctant son. If he becomes too amenable too soon Damien will become suspicious.
Damien dismissively looks at his watch. “I assume both of you would like for me to get Sin back. I’d be much more generous if you both make sure to do as expected.”
“You’d do it anyway if for no other reason than to stick it to Whitmore,” Lucien mutters under his breath.
“That is certainly a perk. Not to mention the gift Whitmore has handed me trying to split up a married couple.” He places his hand on his chest in mock outrage. “I mean, how can he say he champions family values if he tries to end a marriage?”
Well, that’s an interesting angle. Almost too simple, but in his blind desire to erase Damien from Sin’s past, he’s put his own neck in the noose. They can both destroy each other for all I care as long as Sin, Lucien, and I can escape being collateral damage.
Devil’s Crossing is about an hour away from Cedar Hills; luckily we aren’t planning to drive the entire way. Sitting in a car with my loving parents can cause frostbite.
The car takes us to a helipad where we take a chopper into Cedar Hills. Then another town car is waiting to drive us to the country club where the benefit is being held.
A hoard of reporters stands near the entrance. Their flashbulbs light up the night sky and make me see floating spots of color. Dozens of requests for our pictures are shouted at us, and we stand together to provide them with evidence of our happy family. The frightening thing is many people won’t look beyond the polished faces and designer clothes to see what a nightmare my family is.
Finally, we make it through the gauntlet of flashing lights and are escorted into the ballroom. Everyone is dressed similarly in gowns and tuxedos. I chose a royal blue dress with a plunging back, because Sin loves this color on me. My dark hair is artfully piled on top of my head with a few pieces hanging loose to tease the expanse of bare skin.