Page 112 of Peaceful Chaos
Cars screechto a stop just outside the gates of the industrial complex. Several armed officers exit the vehicles followed by DA Pierce.
"Did you think your little ruse of pretending to arrest him was going to work, Agent Holbrook?" she asks.
Grant sticks his hands in his pockets, feigning nonchalance. "Just buying time to end this charade."
News vans pull up behind the police vehicles, no doubt alerted to Sin's impending arrest by the DA herself.
Lucien climbs back into the van and starts working on the computer, the keys clacking as his fingers race across the keyboard. When he exits the van his attention is focused on his cell.
I clutch Sin’s hand tightly, nerves throwing my stomach for a loop. Lucien steps up to our side and leans close to speak to Sin. "I'm ready. Let's blow this bitch's life up."
Pierce turns to face the assembled journalists. "We've had multiple reports of violence across the city this evening. As we speak there's a team of FBI agents investigating a mass murder at another location near this one. We have reason to believe these violent acts were perpetrated by one man, Jackson Whitmore. Furthermore, Mr. Whitmore is the only suspect in several assassinations over the last several years."
There's a gasp among the reporters, who immediately begin to shout out questions. It's hard to pick a single one of them apart from the others.
"I know this is going to come as a shock, but we have overwhelming evidence to charge Mr. Whitmore with multiple counts of first-degree murder. Officers, go and take Mr. Whitmore into custody."
Grant shakes his head at them, and they all hesitate to follow her order.
"Evidence, you say?" Lucien steps forward, taking advantage of the pause.
"Who are you?" Pierce asks.
"Lucien Blackthorne. You know the name. You've been on my father's payroll. Or, wait were you blackmailed? I have a hard time keeping track."
Pierce tries to get the attention of the officers standing behind her. "Someone get him out of here."
"I wouldn't do that," Lucien warns the police officers. "Unless you want to be complicit in human trafficking, murder, and illegal arms deals."
Not a single officer steps forward.
Pierce places her hand on the top of the microphone and snarls at Lucien. "This was not the agreement I had with your father."
Lucien gives her a half smile. "My father is dead. Any agreement you had with him is over."
"I just spoke to him a few hours ago," she blurts out indignantly.
Sin shakes his head. "Are you admitting to conspiring with Damien Blackthorne, long suspected of running the largest underworld crime syndicate in the western hemisphere?”
Pierce's eyes shift from side to side studying the gaggle of reporters. "Let's discuss this later," she hisses.
I start shaking my head. "Not good enough."
Lucien looks down at me. "What do you want, little bird?"
"Freedom. Sin can't be free if he's carrying suspicion around for the rest of his life."
Sin kisses the side of my head. "You know I don't care what people think of me," he whispers next to my temple.
"No, she's right. You deserve a clean slate," Lucien says to Sin before turning his attention back to the DA. "What I want is Sin's freedom, and the truth."
She starts to sputter. "I—are you implying I'm lying?"
"I was implying it, but you're boring me. Now, I think I'll spell it out with audio." Lucien pulls his phone out and pushes a button.