Page 41 of Peaceful Chaos
"Are you willing to do what it takes to make sure he stays that way?" Sin asks.
"You're asking if I'm willing to work in the gray zone?"
Sin nods. "That's exactly what I'm asking."
"Whatever it takes," Brett agrees.
"Then get ready. Javier and I came up with a plan this morning," Sin says and turns to walk away.
I reach for him and grab his hand, pulling him to a stop. "You are going to try and leave me here, aren't you?"
"I need you to be safe."
"And you think I don't need the same thing?"
He shoves his hand through his hair and tugs. "I've been trained to do this since I was very young. You'll just be in the way, and it will get someone hurt."
I drop his hand. "One of these days you're going to have to stop looking at me like the weak link and realize I can help. Despite how all of you treat me, I'm not incapable."
Javier claps his hand on Sin's shoulder. "She's right. I saw her in training, and she has skills better than most of our snipers."
"No. She stays here, and she stays safe."
Javier squeezes and forces Sin to face him. "And who's going to protect them here? Do you want me to split my forces and leave two groups unprepared?"
"You've got plenty of soldiers," Sin retorts.
"Not to fight a war. Security is one thing, but Damien isn't an ordinary threat. We can't go at him at anything less than full strength."
"I'm with Sin here," Lucien interjects.
"Of course you are," I mumble.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, little bird, but I think your safety is important to all of us. Besides, you have to admit that sending the full strength of Chaos after Damien is a bit overkill."
Shane comes over to me. "I know you want to go with them, but there are a few of us here who don't have that kind of training and could use some backup."
I might be stubborn, but I know when I'm outnumbered. "I know you're saying this to appease me, but I also know you're just trying to help. I want to go on record and say that I'm not happy about this."