Page 46 of Peaceful Chaos
Open Doors
I can't believehe told me not to worry. As if I am going to be able to sit here in this apartment and not obsess every moment about what he is doing at this exact moment. If that isn't enough, I stubbornly refused every invitation to hang out with my friends tonight. I know I'll be shit company and don't want to have them stare at me while I progressively go out of my mind.
I try to study and use the time alone to get ahead of my work, but after reading the same paragraph at least five times I toss the book aside. Usually history captures my interest, but the industrial revolution doesn't exactly keep me from worrying about the love of my life.
Next I try a romance novel; if anything could hold my attention my favorite dark romance should. Unfortunately, I see too much of Sin in the main character, and I have to set my Kindle down.
Glancing at the time on my phone, I know it's too early for them to be in Devil's Crossing already, but I'd kinda hoped Sin would break the rules and text me during the flight. He hasn't, which means they're likely going over their plans. I don't want to interrupt that.
My phone beeps with an incoming text every couple of minutes, and each time I jump for it to see if it's him. Every single one is from Jenna, and it's driving me insane. Finally, I send a response in hopes that she'll realize now isn't a good time and stop blowing up my phone.
Me: Can't talk right now, I'm waiting to hear from my husband.
I steadily ignorethe rest of her texts, and after about an hour, she gives up. At least she does for a couple of hours. Instead of texting, she decides to call me directly. She's obviously a psycho, because who actually talks on the phone?
I could be taking a shower or napping or waiting to hear from my husband who's flying across the country to rescue my uncle from my homicidal father. You know, important shit. What I don't need is to get trapped on the other end of a phone call talking to someone about random bullshit. I barely talk to people when I'm out and about.
But, I recognize I'm not going to get any peace unless I take her call. I can't shut off my phone, or I won't hear from Sin. Really, I'm just tired of the ball of anxiety that forms in my gut every time my phone pings only to see her name flash across my screen.
"Hey," I practically grunt.
"Oh, hi! You answered," she chirps.
"Did you need something?" I'm short with her, but my patience is in limited supply today. I've ignored at least a half dozen texts. Take a fucking hint.
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go check out ladies’ night with me at a club downtown."
I sigh. She really does think I'm missing out on single life. "I'm only nineteen, remember? I can't get into a club."
She scoffs, and I can practically hear her eyes roll. "I know the bouncer. He'll let us in."
"I thought you just moved here from back east?"
"I did, but sometimes a girl needs company. And sometimes those new friends come with added benefits. Come on, surely your husband can let you out for a night? You said you were waiting to hear from him? Does that mean you're home alone?"
"Yeah, he's gone, but he'll be back sometime tonight."
"Perfect!" she squeals. "Then you can come with me. I promise you'll be back by the time he gets home, and you won't have to wait for him all night."
"I can't. This isn't a good time."
"Oh, come on. There couldn't be a better time. You deserve to have some fun. A couple of hours out dancing will keep your mind off what ever is going on. Don't be one of those women who sit around waiting for a man."
I clench my teeth hard enough to make them ache. She's pulling out all the stops, but she doesn't know me, or my relationship. Somehow I manage to force my anger and irritation down and respond in the blandest manner I can fake. "I can't. I've already got plans to hang out here with some friends."
She groans on the other end. "You're too young to act like an old lady."
There's an awkward silence when I don't say anything back. What am I really supposed to say? Her opinion doesn't matter to me. Partying and being hit on by random men wouldn't be appealing to me even if I were single.
Instead of envying what she sees as freedom, I pity her. She thinks I'm weighed down, but Sin is my anchor. He is why I can fly free and not fear floating away. I spend my nights tangled with a man who sets my body on fire, while she spends her time getting random benefits from even more random men.
"If I can't talk you into coming out, you could come over to my place. We could have a girl's night in," she pushes.
This conversation is going around in circles. "Like I said, I've got plans with my friends."
"I know I'm coming on strong, but you're the first person I met here that I thought I could actually be friends with. I don't want to spend another night here watching Netflix alone. I can meet you and your friends wherever you're going, if that is all right?"