Page 51 of Peaceful Chaos
“What we can't do is perform surgery. If he doesn't wake up, then the doctor says he may need a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain. It's in his best interest, medically speaking, if that does not need to happen. So they're doing the same thing they'd do at a hospital, watching his vitals and administering IV meds and fluids."
"Why can't we get Shane, Jen, or Amber on the phone?" I ask. I'm looking for a fight, and if he jammed the signal again, I'll have found one.
"It's standard protocol during an attack to interrupt cellular communication. We have radios that the soldiers use on a protected frequency. We don't want the enemy to be able to regroup," he answers.
"And during the meeting Lucien and I were in the other day, what was the reason for that?" I press.
His jaw clenches. "Because I needed you both to focus on the task at hand, not texting or social media, or whatever bullshit people your age are into now."
Anger floods my system, causing my muscles to buzz with excess energy. The need to fight returns with a vengeance, only now Javier is the one in my crosshairs. "You will never block my access to Raven again. Do you understand me?"
He exhales. "When you are running Chaos, then you can make all the demands you like. Until that moment, nephew, you'll sit back and follow fucking orders. Are we clear?"
My fists clench, and I can feel the phantom crack of bones over my knuckles. "I'm not great at following orders."
Javier narrows his eyes. "I suggest you get good at it."
* * *
A chopper is waitingfor us on the airstrip when we land, and we are able to bypass the never ending traffic of Playa Pacifica to head straight to the apartments.
"Update," Javier barks at a soldier standing ready to meet us as we descend from the helicopter.
"Sir, we've got guards stationed outside the infirmary and patrolling the perimeter. Work is underway on the gate where the guardhouse was to patch the hole," the soldier reports.
"I want a security assessment done of all our surveillance. The perimeter fence needs to be reinforced to withstand explosives. What of the attackers?"
"They tripped the alarm with their initial breach of the guardhouse. Ford and Raven must have approached at the same time the attackers moved back in anticipation of the explosion. We had soldiers en route, but only got there to watch both of them tossed back by the force of the blast. We split off at that point. One group administered emergency aid while the other team pursued the attackers. Shots were exchanged, but they fled the scene."
"Fantastic, this can all wait until after I've seen my wife," I snap at them.
Javier glares at me, but he's already seen a bit of how volatile my temper can be, so he doesn't delay any longer. "Jones," I'm guessing that's the name of the soldier debriefing him, "take my nephew and his friends to the infirmary."
"Where is everyone else?" Ted asks.
"They're with Ford and Raven so they won't wake up alone," Javier replies.
Jones rushes us through the complex toward the back where the armory is located. There’s another building none of us realized was an infirmary instead of another training facility. It's an open concept with retractable curtains to afford patients a modicum of privacy. None of them are pulled back now, leaving Ford and Raven in plain view from the moment we enter.
I rush to her side, wanting to hold her, comfort her, anything to reassure myself she's really okay. My hands flutter over her uselessly, unable to find a single spot not cut or bruised. Lucien quietly moves to stand on the other side of her bed, his jaw clenched.
My eyes catch his, the clear blue so much like Raven's I have to force down a knot in my throat. I do not cry. "I'm going to kill your father."
Lucien shakes his head, and I'm back to wanting to beat the shit out of him. I don't give a fuck if he has any lingering loyalty to that piece of shit, I'll go through him if I have to, but I will be putting a bullet between the eyes of Damien Blackthorne.
"Don't give me that look," Lucien snaps. "Your poker face needs some work, asshole. I'm not letting you kill Damien. Not after this."
He gestures to Raven laying on the hospital bed, hooked up to wires, with the relentless beeping of her heart the only thing keeping me from going on a murderous rampage right this second.
"I don't give a shit—" I begin to say, but Lucien raises his hand stopping me. Not that I usually listen to him, but the look on his face promises violence.
"I know full well you don't care what I have to say, but after what she's been through, the only person who gets to fire that bullet is my sister. You and I will do what we need to do to give her that chance."
The fight drains out of me, and I nod in response. He's absolutely right, but only if it's what she needs to feel safe. "Only if it's what she wants. We don't force her."
"Would both of you stop talking about me?" Raven rasps. Her usually husky voice is deeper and sounds like she's been screaming.
"Princess," I sigh and sit down in the chair positioned by her bed.