Page 57 of Peaceful Chaos
David and Natalie share a look. "They found us."
Sin’s straightens up. His face turns to the blank mask he wears when he’s evaluating a threat. "Repeat that.”
Natalie looks down at Tempest, and it's clear she doesn't want to share this part of the story in front of her. Jen and Amber step forward and take Lucien's and my place in front of Tempest.
"Hey, I heard there was a movie theater room here. Want to come watch a movie with us? I bet we could watch Frozen," Jen suggests to Tempest.
"I'm not a baby," she complains. "Fine, I can tell when the grown-ups want to talk, but I'm not watching a princess movie."
"I like princess movies," Amber mumbles.
Tempest pats her on the shoulder. "Clearly I need to help you find better movies."
Lucien chuckles. "Don't break my girlfriend, pest."
Tempest gasps. "You did not just give me the worst nickname ever."
He points at me. "She's little bird, and you shall be pest. Deal with it."
She tips up her little chin. "Fine, then you will be Lucifer, because I think you might be the devil."
Luce ruffles her hair, which serves to piss her off even more. "Yeah, you're definitely my sister."
"Hmmpf," she grumbles and storms away from him.
* * *
David movesto the living room section and drops down in the love seat. Natalie quickly joins him, and the rest of us follow their lead and take a seat.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but I thought the plan was for all of you to stay in hiding so Damien didn't know Natalie and Tessa were still alive?" I look around then and realize Tessa isn't part of this reunion. "Where is Tessa anyway?"
Shane leans forward, stress and worry radiating off him. "She's with Ford in the infirmary."
I nod, because of course she is. Their history is completely fucked up, but there's a connection neither of them can seem to get away from no matter how hard they try. He'll probably be itching to get out of there even more now, if for no other reason than to get away from her.
"As for why we're here now," David says, regaining my attention. "We figured Damien was on to us when he tortured Grant. At least, he seems to know Natalie is still alive. It's unclear if he knows that I'm Martin Gerrick. If he does, he hasn't burned me yet."
He's aged in the last few weeks. Tempest doesn't seem to have sustained lasting damage from seeing her mom get abducted, but kids respond differently to trauma than adults. David isn’t so lucky. He has new lines etched in his forehead.
"We were going to remain in hiding, but once Grant was taken, I worried he might have given up our location," he explains.
Natalie puts her hand on his, and shakes her head. "My brother wouldn't put me at risk."
"He would if the rules required it," Sin interjects. "He has a rigid stance on right and wrong. His faith in the system is absolute. David's right not to trust him."
David nods in agreement. "That wasn't the only thing though. One of my underworld contacts reached out and alerted me to a potential auction. The product up for sale was supposed to be the most coveted slave to go to market in years. There's only one woman who has managed to peak the interest of every deviant that attends those auctions."
Sin's face can only be described as murderous. "So that's what Damien was doing. He's ready to proceed to selling his own daughter."
"Me?" I squeak. I swallow hard. "I mean, I guess we knew that was one of his back-up plans. Why though?"
Lucien fidgets in his seat. "You know all we are to him are tools to be used. If you aren't benefitting him anymore married to Sin, then he's going to extract value out of you in another way."
I wave him off. "I know that. But what does he get out of it? Selling me is a one and done move. He can't continue to try and use me to get Sin in line, and we all know that's his ultimate goal. Use Sin against his father."
"It's not a one and done thing though. If you were to disappear he knows I'll burn through this entire world to get you back. What better way to out me as a violent killer and tarnish Arthur's reputation in the process than to force me to try and get you back?" Sin says softly. Clearly he's given this a lot of thought.
I shrug. Something about that scenario feels too simplistic. Damien is many things, but simple isn't one of them. "I feel like we're missing something major. He's several steps ahead of us, and we need to catch up yesterday."