Page 64 of Peaceful Chaos
The Set Up
"Shouldyou be out of bed already?" I ask Ford as he leans against the car waiting to head to class.
He glowers down at me. "Not you too, Firecracker. I hear you didn't even give it a day, so let it go already. No way am I being shown up by a tiny wisp of a woman."
Tessa moves next to me, and I can see her roll her eyes. "We've all tried to talk him back to bed where he belongs, but there's more bone in that head of his than brains."
"Thank God for that, or I might not have survived," Ford teases, showing his good humor hasn't evaporated at least.
I huff in exasperation. I wonder if this is what Sin felt when I too refused the rest everyone insisted I needed. "Fine, but at least sit out of practice. I don't think we want your brains scrambled any more than they already are."
The corner of his mouth curves up. "Aw, careful there or someone is going to get the wrong idea about us." His eyes flash over to Sin, who is of course paying close attention. I can tell Ford is still not over my reticence at hanging out with them the other day.
"Someone can get over their caveman bullshit," I mutter and study him out of the side of my eye. Sin doesn’t seem bothered, but he’s focused on my exchange with Ford. It’s hard to say what is going on in his head.
"Princess, if you want me to throw you over my shoulder and lock you inside, keep talking. I've been entirely too domesticated lately, and you are starting to look like the perfect way to release some tension," Sin growls.
Looking up at him, I bat my eyelashes. "Sounds like fun. I'd like to take a rain check on that please."
He drops his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest. "You're still a brat. I think we are going to have to do something about that."
Lucien smacks the back of his head as he walks past us to open the door of the vehicle. "What have I told you about creepy sex talk with my sister when I can hear?"
"What makes you think I listen to you?" Sin taunts Lucien.
It’s been a couple days, and we're all sliding back into old habits. Even Tessa seems to be back in the fold, like the days before the cabin. I'm surprised, but not unpleasantly so. After everything we've been through, and the fact she nearly lost her life saving me, forgiving Tessa isn't such a hardship.
She smiles at me, probably reading the thoughts as they display across my expressions. I can lock that shit down tight when I need to, but I've become less guarded around these people. I've never had a family before, but now I've got one of my choosing.
Well, Lucien is family, but he had to earn that shit along with the rest of them. Every person around me right now is here because we chose each other, and that is a bond stronger than blood.
"Guess who's in your first class," Tessa sings, and winks at me.
I laugh. "They've got you playing body guard now too?"
She shakes her head. "Nah, but two badass bitches are better than one, am I right?"
"Hell yeah it is," I agree.
For a moment I feel weightless, free. It is gone in a second though, because I remember who else is in that class with me.
I look sideways at Sin. "What are we supposed to do about Jenna?"
His scowl tells me everything before he opens his mouth. "Nothing."
I take a deep, calming breath. "This is one fight you aren't going to be able to take for me. You might think you’re a monster, but I know you well enough to know you don't relish the idea of hitting girls."
"Fuck," he grinds out. I'm right, and we all know it.
"Lucky for you, I don't think your princess and I have any qualms laying that cunt out if we need to," Tessa says and winks at me.
Lucien groans and shoves his hand in his hair. "Thanks for ruining chick fights for me. Now every time there's a prospect of a little girl on girl violence I'm going to be thinking about my sister."
This time Sin is the one who slaps him in the back of the head. "Just get in the fucking car. We'll talk on the way to campus."
Teddy and Amber fly out of their apartment, followed seconds later by Shane and Jen from theirs.