Page 67 of Peaceful Chaos
She nods several times. She opens her mouth to speak, but he raises his hand cutting her off. "You've wasted enough class time don't you think?"
Chastened she makes her way to the back, her eyes falling on the seat Tessa is sitting in, and the fact the only open one is in the corner a few desks away. A look of irritation flares in her honey colored eyes, but she manages to school her features back to her mask of friendliness. Odd how I saw her as pushy before now, not this fake poser playing at making friends.
"Oh, and Jenna," the professor says, making her attention snap back to the front of the room. "If you leave class before I dismiss everyone today, do not bother returning tomorrow."
* * *
Her eyes stay gluedto the clock through the entire class. The closer it gets to the time everyone will be shuffling on between classes, the more anxious she becomes.
I know what she's expecting. The moment she walks out the door, Sin will be there, and her ruse will be up. Except, this time we're one step ahead of her.
Sin promised to wait out of view until Tessa and I could manage to lull Jenna into a false sense of security. Much like she's been trying to do to me for the last week. Turn about is only fair.
Jenna tries to sneak away with the crowd the moment the professor releases us, but Tessa and I move along side her caging her in. Let her sweat a little more until she realizes Sin isn't waiting outside the door like she fears.
"Hey, sorry I had to bail on girl's night the other night. I'd have been better off if I'd taken you up on it," I begin.
She forces a brittle smile. "Yeah, it was kind of a bust though anyway."
My smile is equally as fake, but I've had years of practice faking happiness to be sure it looks genuine. "Well, my friend Tessa here has been away for a while and just got back the other day. We were going to go out tomorrow night and celebrate."
"Your husband is willing to let you out alone?" A calculating look comes over her face, and she seems to have forgotten about the potential monster waiting to jump out at her in the hallway.
"I'm not his prisoner," I say. It’s hard to maintain a friendly demeanor around this two-faced bitch.
"Although, I think he does get off tying her up," Tessa teases. She bumps me with her shoulder to remind me to stop scowling.
"Lord does he ever," I play along. Tessa is guessing, not that it's a stretch to imagine Sin is into bondage. I want to force Jenna to slip up, and since she's obsessed with Sin, talking about our relationship seems the fastest way to make her show her real self to us.
Jenna's eyes narrow, but she manages to pull her jealousy back in almost as quickly as it appears. "Sounds like fun. Text me the details and I'll meet you there."
I cock my head to the side. "Won't I see you in class tomorrow?"
She shrugs. "Not sure. This professor hates me, and this time slot doesn't seem to be working out for me. If I'm not here text me. I'd hate to miss a shot to hang out."
Her eyes quickly scan the hall, and her shoulders relax a bit when she doesn't see her own personal demon waiting to steal her soul. Still she dashes off like her life depends on it.
I chuckle at her fleeing back. Tessa shakes her head. "She's trying to run from one monster, and doesn't realize the one she should have been scared of was sitting right next to her."
"You know how much I like knives. Her back seems like a great place to bury one," I agree.