Page 29 of The Acquisition
"It has everything to do with me if you are propositioning my woman. If you are trying to apologize, you're doing a shit job and wasting my time. Jana and I have things to discuss."
Malcolm looked at Jana, and his jaw clenched. So, it seemed he was asking for a second chance with her after all. "Really? Colter Greyson? He's at least ten years older than you."
"He's twelve years older than me, and I don't see how it's any of your business," she said, not denying my claim.
"Does his daughter know?"
"No," I bit out. "And you aren't going to tell her."
His shoulders slumped. While I wouldn't trust the fucker with either of my sisters, he did have some rules. I'd never heard of him being a snitch. He might tell Sabrina, because for reasons I have never understood, they were good friends. Probably because Sabrina always tried to see the good in people, and to his credit, he'd never shown her his ugly side.
"Jana, let's go," I ordered. She bristled under my domineering tone, never one to take orders, but held back whatever she was dying to say until we were alone.
"Yes, daddy," she sassed.
That mouth of hers was going to end me one of these days. Lord help me, but the more defiant she was, the more I wanted her.
* * *
The moment we made it down the stairs to the lobby, she hit me on the arm. "Your woman?"Then she hit me a few more times as if she were trying to punctuate exactly how ludicrous she found that statement. "Why in the hell would you tell him we are together? I don't need you to fight my battles."
My temper snapped. She always found exactly the right button and pressed it without fail. "That's what you and I need to talk about."
She narrowed her eyes, but before she opened her mouth to lay into me again, footsteps echoed in the staircase. Not wanting to deal with Malcolm again, I grabbed her elbow and pulled her out the door.
Once we were in my car I pondered where we should go. With her there was always a high likelihood of yelling, which ruled out going to a restaurant. A public scene wasn't high on my to do list. I pushed the button for the ignition and headed back to my apartment.
We took the elevator up to the top floor in silence. Tension radiated off her while she waited for me to let us into my place. The second the door was open she marched inside toward the window. After I closed the door, she spun around, fire blazing in her blue eyes.
"Well, you wanted to talk," she stated, holding her arms out wide.
I put my arms across my chest. "You called me, or did you forget?"
Her arms fell to her sides. "You're right." She took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. "I wanted to get away from Malcolm, but when I stormed off to my room, I realized there wasn't any furniture inside."
I watched the urge to fight leave her. "What am I doing? I've never been this unsettled before. I honestly don't know how Evie dealt with all the uncertainties she faced before Beckett stormed into her life and turned it upside down. I tried to help, but she was just so damned stubborn. Is that what I'm doing, being stubborn?"
I crossed my arms across my chest. "Yes."
She rolled her eyes, and the desire to spank her like a petulant child rose again.
"Speaking of Beck, he had one thing right. Sometimes you have to take risks to guarantee your own happiness."
Her eyebrow rose, signaling her skepticism. "I don't think he was thinking farther than his dick."
"Hey, he's my best friend, and my son-in-law." Well, if that wasn't a sentence I'd never thought I'd say. Fuck, when did life get so surreal?
"Yeah, and I'm glad it all worked out for the best, but he hadn't even known Evie for twenty-four hours when he propositioned her. I know he loves her now, but when he suggested she fill the role of his PA and girlfriend he really just wanted to fill her."
I held my hand out to make her stop talking. "We really need to stop discussing my daughter's sex life."
Jana shrugged. "You're the one who brought it up."
A growl ripped from my throat. She was turning me into an animal. "We're getting off topic."
"By all means then," she waved her hand in front of her, "continue."
Nodding, I did just that. "What would you be willing to do to get your inheritance back?"