Page 48 of The Acquisition
"I'm working at building my brand, Colt. I thought you understood that," she huffed.
I shrugged. "By all means do that, but figure out how it's going to pay your bills, because I've got a family to support. I'm not going to continue footing the bill for you to do absolutely nothing."
"I am your family!" she screeched.
It really was an awful choice of phrasing on my part. "Yes, but I've got a daughter who I don't give nearly a fraction of what I give to you."
Waverly tipped her chin up. "Please, are you really sure she's yours?"
My teeth ground together. "I'm sure. This isn't a route you want to take with me. I might have just found her, but Evie is important to me."
She waved her hand toward my room. "So important you've got another skank in here, probably working on baby momma number two."
Jana stepped out of our room wearing my favorite t-shirt and a pair of my basketball shorts rolled up several times. My mouth went dry. Why was it seeing her drowning in my clothes aroused me more than seeing her in the tiny scraps of lace I peeled off her last night?
"What's this about a baby momma?" Her nose scrunched up, and I couldn't resist kissing her again.
Waverly gagged. "Can you pay attention to me, please?"
I was done with her attitude. "Remember the talk we had before you jetted off to Europe?"
Her eyes narrowed. She remembered all right.
"I told you if you chose to travel Europe with that fuckboy you would be cut off until you got a job. I think I'm being more than generous. I'm paying half of Sabrina's rent because it helps both of you. I'd pay the entire thing for her because she's never asked me for a damn thing, but she won't let me. So this is the only thing you are getting from me. If you want money that isn't in the trust fund dad provided for you, I will set you up with a job," I reminded her.
"This isn't fair. What about my dreams?" She stomped her foot.
"By all means pursue them, but you are going to have to find a way to pay for them yourself."
"You used to care about me. Now that you've found a new family you've forgotten about me," Waverly whined.
I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I haven't forgotten about you, Wave. But I don't think I'm doing right by you by making you helpless."
"I am not helpless!" she screamed.
"Good, then you'll be able to start looking after yourself. You're twenty-four years old, plenty old enough to take care of yourself. My daughter has done it her entire life, so has Jana."
Immediately, I knew I made a mistake. Her eyes narrowed as she spun on Jana. "So, this is your doing? You shack up with my brother and push me out?"
Jana put her hands up. "None of this is my doing. But I'm standing behind whatever Colt decides."
"And who are you to interfere with my relationship to my brother?" Waverly spat out.
"I'm his wife."
Part of me wanted to pound my chest hearing her call herself my wife. The rest of me knew what kind of a tantrum Waverly could throw when she didn't get her way.
Waverly spun around, her face turning a disturbing shade of maroon. "It was bad enough some chick showed up claiming to be your daughter, but now you're married?"
"What did you think was going to happen while you were off lazing around Europe? Did you expect me to put my life on hold until you needed me again? I deserve to have a life. I'd hope you'd be happy for me."
"Happy when you're shoving me aside for a gold digger and a woman who hasn't been around until she found out her mom hooked up with a rich guy. You're a sucker."
She turned in a huff to storm out, but I called out to stop her. "Waverly, leave your key to my apartment."
She slapped it down hard on the counter on her way out and made sure to slam the front door hard.
"Nice to meet you!" Jana called out once she was gone. "Don't get mad at me for saying this, but your sister is a bitch. I think Sabrina is going to need a lot more than half the rent. She's going to need a wine of the day membership and a therapist on speed dial."