Page 8 of The Acquisition
"No offense taken." She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the café she had just left.
"What are you doing not at work?" I asked.
She glanced at her watch. "It's only ten. Colter hasn't come in yet, so I ducked out for coffee. Trust me, he won't care as long as the work gets done. He's way easier to work for than Beckett is, or was rather. Where is Colt, by the way?"
I tried to feign shock. "Why would I know?"
"I've worked for him for two years now, ever since I graduated from college. As his assistant, I've hung up every coat he owns, and I know that's one of them. So spill. Did you guys hook up? I won't tell Evie, I swear."
"Do you have a crush on him? Not that I want to date him. That would be gross, but I–"
She held both of her hands up in front of her and made a gagging face. "I'm going to stop you." Her brow furrowed like she was confused. "You really don't know?"
I shook my head. "Obviously not. At least, I don't have a clue what we're talking about right now."
"Colter is my stepbrother. My mom married his dad when I was one. We share a half-sister, Waverly, who was born a year after they got married."
I sat down in the nearest chair. "You guys don't act like family at all."
In fact, they flirted a little sometimes. The somewhat incestuous nature of our little group got a little more uncomfortable.
"I see that look on your face. I lived with my dad and only visited some holidays. The divorces weren't amicable on either side, and Colter barely visited his dad, so he was never around when I was. He was close to Waverly though, and when she came to college where I was going, he and I developed a friendship."
"Oh, I don't know what to say or think. It's still weird that no one knows he's your stepbrother."
"I guess we've never really seen each other as siblings, so a lot of people don't know about it. But even though I don't see him as my brother doesn't mean I could ever have romantic feelings for him."
I blinked a few times. It was a lot of information to get on top of everything else that had happened since last night.
A waitress came around, giving me another minute to gather my thoughts.
"Want a macchiato?" She waved Colter's expense card. "It's on Colt."
I smiled. "I'd love one."
When the waitress walked away, Sabrina turned to me. "Okay, even my head hurts at how hard you're thinking."
"You guys flirt," I blurted out.
Sabrina laughed and smiled wide. "I pick on him, yes. Only someone hot for him would see that as flirting."
I rolled my eyes. "He's very handsome, but he's my best friend's dad. And as it turns out my only other friend's brother."
"Stepbrother, and that's because you'll only know what he wants you to know. I hadn't really thought about the fact you and Evie didn't know. Colter and Beckett have been friends forever it seems, so of course Beckett already knew. It was one of those things that just was, so we didn't really talk about it."
I shook my head. "How have you not told Evie? She's going to freak."
Sabrina grimaced. "I thought Colter would tell her, so I didn't. Then I waited for her to bring it up. He is her dad, how am I supposed to tell her that her new friend is kinda sorta her aunt?"
"Well, I'm guessing that line of thinking only works until she meets Waverly. She's going to out both of you if one of you doesn't tell her first."
Sabrina dropped her head on the table for a second, lifting it when the waitress returned with our coffees.
"Thanks," she said, and handed over her expense card.
She waited to speak until the waitress finished swiping her card and walked away. "My sister is spoiled. I love her dearly, but she's privileged. Right now she's vacationing on a yacht in the Mediterranean. She's coming home in a week, so I need to either convince Colter to tell her or do it myself."
"If Colter is your brother, why are you his executive assistant?"