Page 21 of The Merger
Jana poked her head in. “Are you sure? You don’t sound like this is a good time.”
“It’s your company,” I grumbled.
She entered the office and closed the door behind her. “Are you okay? I know you’ve got a reputation as a grumpy asshole, but I don’t usually get to see this side of you.”
“I’m sorry. I’m not good with people, and all your employees keep coming to me with problems.”
Jana rolled her eyes at me and dropped into one of the chairs in front of my desk. “Would you stop calling this my company?”
“But, it isyourcompany, and these areyouremployees.” I needed to remind myself where I belonged. Always on the outside.
Jana reached down and grabbed her briefcase. “That’s actually why I’m here. I’ve got a contract for you to sign.”
She handed me a legal document. “You don’t mind if I have Caroline take a look at this do you?”
Jana shrugged. “No problem. She’s the one that drew up the documents.”
“And what do these documents say?” I asked while I took the packet from her.
“It’s your official job offer to be the CEO of Anderson East.”
I raised an eyebrow. “You’re changing the name of the company?”
She chuckled. “Fitz called it rebranding. I call it a giant fuck you to my father.”
The corner of my lip curled up. “One of my favorite messages to deliver.”
Jana looked over her shoulder at the window in the door. “Did your secretary just walk past your office for the third time since I’ve been here?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I mentioned that I hate people right?”
Reaching over I pushed the intercom button on my phone. “Sheila, is there a reason you’re pacing in front of my office?”
“Sir, uhm, I know you don’t want to be interrupted when you’re in a meeting, but there’s someone here to see you,” she rambled.
I swallowed a growl. “Did you happen to get a name?”
“What is your name again?” I heard her whisper away from the intercom.
“No, you can’t just go in!” I heard Sheila screech outside.
The door burst open and my secretary chased Sabrina into my office. “I’m sorry Mr. Lawson. I told her you were in a meeting, but she refused to wait.”
“Thank God you’re here,” Jana mumbled.
“Sheila, meet Sabrina Lake, our new Operations Manager, and your immediate boss,” I said.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Ms. Lake. I didn’t know,” Sheila fumbled.
“I suppose me telling you that I needed to see Mr. Lawson because I’m the new Operations Manager was too subtle,” Sabrina replied deadpan.
I watched Sheila get more and more flustered. “That’s all for now,” I said dismissing her before she had a complete meltdown.
“Hey, Jana,” Sabrina greeted her. “Wasn’t expecting you to show up today.”
“I had documents for Stryker to sign, and I’m hiding from Colt.”
“What did my dumb stepbrother do now?” Sabrina said without heat.