Page 28 of The Merger
My mouth started to twitch with amusement. “Better also remind me to start a list.”
“Are we together because of fate or Fitz?” I wondered aloud.
Sabrina squeezed my hand still wrapped around hers. “Maybe it’s a little of both.”
“Iam actually hungry. How about we continue this discussion inside?” I tipped my head toward the diner.
He took the keys out of the ignition and together we entered the diner. The waitress instructed us to seat ourselves, and he walked toward a corner booth where we could have some privacy. We were silent until we ordered, knowing that we’d have several minutes uninterrupted.
There was something weighing on Stryker, and I wasn’t sure I’d like whatever it was. I couldn’t avoid this talk though, as much as it might further shake up my already off-balance world.
“Just rip the Band-Aid off,” I sighed.
He nodded. “What does Malcolm know about us?”
“He knows we’re working together. He wasn’t pleased about it. But, if you are asking if I told him we’re married, no, I haven’t had the chance.” I looked away, not sure if I should divulge what happened the last time I did see Malcolm.
Stryker leaned back and draped his arms across the back of the booth. His fingers idly played with my hair. The repetitive motion was soothing, but I wasn’t sure if he was trying to comfort me, or himself.
“I think Malcolm might have been the one to start the rumors about us at the office,” he finally said.
My mouth fell open. All the usual excuses I’ve made a thousand times for Mal on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t give breath to a single one of them.
No, defending Malcolm wasn’t my priority, but there was still something keeping me from believing he was behind it, not that I didn’t think he was capable. After the other night, I wasn’t sure exactly what he was capable of. “There’s only one problem with that theory,” I said, voicing my concern, “Malcolm doesn’t know about us.”
“When he found out you were going to be working with me, how did he react?”
“He was pissed. Told me I couldn’t work with you and that I only got where I am now because my brother pitied me and handed me a job.”
Stryker blew out a breath. “I don’t think he knows we’re married. You defied him by not doing as he wanted you to do. He’s trying to force your hand because he knows how important your career is to you.”
“Why would he diminish it like he did?” I asked meekly.
“Because you being successful means you aren’t available to him when he wants you to be.”
“But we’ve always been just friends. Even with us trying to start something, it’s more than clear we’ll only ever be just friends.”
“To you,” he said. “It’s clear to you,” he repeated in a softer voice.
Looking down at my hands, I picked at my cuticles. It was a nervous habit I used to do as a kid when I would wait for my mom to take me for visitation. I never knew until the last minute if she was going to remember or not. “I’m not sure it matters now.”
“Sunshine, I sense you’re not telling me everything.”
Taking a deep breath I returned my gaze to his face. “A couple of days ago he was waiting in my apartment for me. He, uh—”
Stryker’s hands fisted on top of the table. “What did he do?”
“He was angry that I was still treating him like a friend and thought he could move us to the next step. He tried to kiss me despite my telling him to stop. He pressed me down on the couch, and I had to shove him off. Even after that he still thinks we’re going to go out again.”
“Like fuck you are. I don’t want you meeting with him alone,” Stryker seethed.
I’m not sure why I felt the need to comfort him. I was the one assaulted by someone I considered a friend. Still, I reached out and put my hand over his. Bringing Stryker with me to meet with Malcolm would not make for a productive conversation, but what was I really trying to salvage?
“I can live with that.”