Page 51 of The Merger
She smiled at me, and I knew I made the right decision. Every step I took away from her was hard, but I had to trust she could handle Malcolm. I didn’t think he’d try anything. He was a callous asshole, butusuallyhe understood consent.
I didn’t bother knocking since this was Sabrina’s apartment. Waverly walked out of the bathroom in a short silk robe. The sash was tied loosely around her waist, and it gaped open exposing the swell of her breasts.
The boxes slipped from my hands as I spun around. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—” What? Interrupt her? I certainly did mean to come in and demand she pack.
“I brought boxes,” I gestured behind me. “Please get dressed and we can help you pack.”
“Why would I pack?” she asked behind me.
“You know why. Sabrina hasn’t been here in several days.” I thought I was pointing out the obvious, but the baffled look on her face when I risked looking back showed she didn’t know what I was talking about.
“Because I hooked up with Malcolm? That’s stupid,” she scoffed.
I held my breath and released it slowly through my nose trying to calm down. Her sister and my brother might actually be perfect for each other.
“You knew damn well they were seeing each other.”
She rolled her eyes. “Please, save the act. She should be thanking me. Malcolm is driven by his dick. Where it points, he follows.”
Her lips curved up, and she slowly trailed her fingers along her chest, drawing my eye to the gaping opening. “We don’t have to fight. I’m a lot more fun than my sister. You like fun, don’t you, Stryker?” Somehow she managed to purr my name. Under different circumstances, like amnesia, I might have been drawn to her myself. She was a beautiful woman. Large dark hazel eyes, thick dark hair, and curves for days. I could see why someone as weak as my brother was tempted to stray.
Not me though. I’d seen my fair share of gorgeous women in my thirty-six years, and bedded many of them before that impulsive night in Vegas. For the last five years I’d avoided every temptation. It wasn’t just Sabrina’s outer beauty that kept me faithful. She had an inner light that captivated me. And even if she didn’t, I didn’t cheat. I would never be like my sperm donor.
While I was lost in my head, I faintly heard the rustle of silk. I looked toward the sound and found a very naked Waverly standing in front of me with a grin on her face. She thought the sight of her naked body was all it would take to send my resolve crumbling.
Unfortunately, before I could open my mouth to set her straight, the door opened and Sabrina walked in followed by my asshole brother. Her hand shook as she raised it to cover her mouth, and her blue eyes filled with tears. She whirled around and ran out the door.
“Sabrina!” I ran after her, but Malcolm stepped in front of me giving her time to get away before I could explain.
Fists clenched at my side, I let my brother see every ounce of contempt I held for him. “You need to get out of my fucking way this instant. I will end you if you try to get between us.”
Malcolm’s lips curled in a sneer. “You mean the way you got between us? Do you think I’m stupid?”
I gave him a deadpan look. “Do you really want me to answer that?”
“You must have thought I was dumb if you thought that I wouldn’t see through the ruse of hiring her as an executive just to get close to her.”
“How were you ever her friend if you fail to see how amazing she is? She’s intelligent, beautiful, kind—“
Malcolm laughed, but I missed whatever he found so funny. “Careful brother, you sound like you’re in love with her.”
Of course, falling in love would be a joke to him. He only loved himself. “How could I not? But, my feelings for her have nothing to do with her getting that position. Fitz Anderson chose her himself.”
He shook his head. “I worked really hard for her pussy when all I had to do was give her a job? I’m sure she was banging her step-brother before Jana sunk her claws in. She’s a needy bitch.”
The urge to laugh overwhelmed me and I couldn’t stop one hollow sounding chuckle from escaping. “You’ve sure got a lot of people fooled.”
“Not anymore,” Sabrina said from the doorway.
She looked over at me, and the sadness pooling in her eyes nearly brought me to my knees. The urge to hit my brother was stronger than it had ever been before. “What do you need?” I asked her, ignoring our siblings.
“Take me out of here.” She looked around, and crossed her arms, holding herself. “I’d say take me home, but I don’t think I have one of those anymore.”
“The hell you don’t,” boomed a voice from the hall.
Colter stepped into the doorway. His eyes fell on Waverly, and his jaw clenched. He panned over to me, and I could see the question in his eyes.
I threw my hands up. “Don’t look at me like that. Your sister came on to me.”