Page 8 of The Merger
“I guess I am,” I said at last. “Distract me.”
She smiled, and for a moment I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “And what do you suggest?”
The first chords of “Dear God” by Avenged Sevenfold started to play in the background. “Dance with me.”
She took my hand, and I felt something click into place inside of me. I’d thought love at first sight was bullshit. Maybe this was lust at first sight, but people have created a life around less.
I listened as the lead singer sang about longing to be with the woman he loved, and felt a sense of foreboding.
I pulled her closer, swaying to the music and held on tight to this momentary reprieve from all the doubt plaguing me.
When the song ended, I kept her hand in mine. “Why are you here alone?” I asked.
She looked around, as if she only just noticed her friends weren’t present. “My friends were gambling, but I didn't have any luck. I already lost the money I set aside. They were supposed to meet me here.”
“I’ll wait with you. This isn’t the city for a woman to wait alone.”
She bit the corner of her mouth and nodded. “I can think of worse ways to spend my evening.”
Her phone buzzed from her pocket. She pulled it out and scowled down at the device.
“Your friends?”
She nodded. “Apparently they decided to go to a club.” She swallowed. “Without me.”
One of her delicate shoulders moved up in a shrug. “I guess I’m not spontaneous and fun enough for them.”
“Fuck them.” My anger on her behalf was softened by gently brushing her hair away from her face.
“They aren’t wrong. I’m cautious and boring,” she stared at her feet while she spoke.
With my finger under her chin, I tipped her face back up toward mine. “You can always change, but only change for yourself.”
Her blue eyes opened wide, assessing me. “How do I do that?”
“Just like with anything else. One decision at a time. What’s your name, Sunshine?”
“Sabrina,” she answered shyly. “Why sunshine?”
“Because you appeared in a dark moment like a sign from the heavens. I’d like to do the same for you.”
Sabrina licked her lips, making the natural pink deepen to a darker red. “It would help if I knew your name.”
A smile pulled at my lips, revealing the lone dimple in my right cheek. “Stryker.”
Her shoulders rolled back, and her chin tipped up. “Well, Stryker, let’s go live like tonight’s our last.”
* * *
Ilived an entire life in that one night. I had no idea it would have to sustain me for five long years.
It started out innocently enough. We rode roller coasters, walked along the strip talking about everything and nothing. We drank a little as we went along, but I knew she was what had my head swimming.
Our touches grew from innocent handholding to heated kisses. I drank her in, not knowing if I was growing drunk from her touch or from the tequila coursing through my blood.
“I need you,” she spoke against my lips.
“Then you’ll have me. Whatever you need, it’s yours,” I swore to her.