Page 92 of The Merger
Ahostess waited to greet us at the end of a short hallway. I expected her to be wearing hot pants and a matching bustier, and she was, but they were under a sheer dress with tiny crystals sewn in. Begrudgingly, I had to admit my brother wasn’t a complete idiot. He certainly knew how to work the aesthetic of a location from the decor down to his staff. Too bad for him I was going to use his love of attention against him.
After all, he started it. At least my takedown was only metaphorical, and not a fucking airplane. Not that it wouldn’t be equally life-ending. At least it would feel that way for a while. Assuming father dearest didn’t work to get him off from all charges. My father didn’t run in the same circles I did now though. The Andersons were next level, and apparently part of my new extended family.
We followed the woman through a sparsely crowded dance floor to an upper level VIP area. It overlooked the dance floor but offered way too much privacy for my goals. “This isn’t going to work,” I said, stopping halfway up the stairs.
Beck held out a large bill casually between his first two fingers. “Anything where we can be less isolated? We didn’t come to hide from the crowd, but to join it.”
The hostess’s face lit up. “Anything for you Mr. Anderson,” she purred.
Evie stepped in front of him and crossed her arms. “Anything more than a new place to sit, and I’ve got it covered.”
The hostess’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened to an “o”. “I’m very sorry Mrs. Anderson. I wasn’t…I didn’t…You’re more my type than-” Her cheeks flamed red. “Shit, forget I said that. I’ve got a table downstairs that would be perfect.”
Beck smiled at the flustered woman. “We’d appreciate it. And don’t be embarrassed, my wife is pretty hot.”
She ducked her head and led the way back down the stairs. There was a circular booth off the corner of the dancefloor. It was roped off to keep people from getting too close, but still within view of most of the dancefloor. Basically, it was perfect.
“We’re going to be mobbed,” Sabrina whispered. “Trust me. I’ve been around these two my entire life, and I’ve never seen them not draw a crowd. Even after the public knew they were married it didn’t stop their fanatics from seeking them out no matter where they went. It’s why neither of them goes out in public much.”
A server came around. Beck, Colt, and I ordered a round of beer. I expected they’d order some pretentious brew, and I said as much. Jana and Evie exchanged a look and shouted, “space beer!”
Beck passed me a bottle, shaking his head at what was obviously an inside joke. He didn’t leave the rest of us out of it though and explained, “The second time Evie and I ran into each other was at this fundraiser Marjorie Easton hosted. Evie wanted to order a regular beer, but of course, Jana’s mom doesn’t do ordinary. There was a crazy assortment, including one made from barley grown in space.”
“I’m even more happy now that you chose a local microbrew,” I said and took a long pull of the slightly bitter beverage.
We sat around talking, and over the next half hour the dance floor started to fill with people. Once it was nearly full, I was ready to take Sabrina and get lost in the crowd.
Sliding out of the booth, I reached out for her hand. “Dance with me.”
She obeyed instantly, as she always did when I used that tone. A sexy song started to play. I didn’t know it, but the tempo was perfect to rub her body against mine. It was simulated fucking, and within a few chords I forgot that my intentions were to put on a show to draw out my brother.
I knew he’d seek us out once he figured out we were here, but I wanted a moment with my wife before that happened. I told everyone I wanted to put on a show, but not in the way they thought. There was a part of me that got off on dominating Sabrina. Knowing that whenever or however I wanted to touch her she’d give herself over to me. And as much as I didn’t care to share her, or our intimacy with others, the nameless strangers in the crowd didn’t seem to count. They saw what we had and wanted it. They wanted her, but she was mine.
It soothed something in me. It was dark and ugly, but I was tangled in it. My entire life I’d been on the outside looking in. Even with people I was related to I was held apart. My brother had the support from our father, the money, and all the opportunities I had to bust my ass to get. Sabrina was the first person who chose me over him. It wasn’t why I loved her, but it was the icing.
Malcolm knew Sabrina was my wife before he made his move, but that didn’t change the fact he thought she was his. Maybe I was better off being ignored by my father, but I could see for sure that being raised by the man didn’t matter where it counted. Malcolm had grown into a narcissistic asshole who didn’t have the capacity to love anyone as much as he loved himself. Sabrina was in front of him nearly his whole life, and in that time he’d managed to waste every chance to have a life with the most amazing woman on the planet. I was back now, and I had no intentions of stepping aside. Maybe if he was better for her, could love her more, and give her the life she deserved I’d be the bigger man and step aside.
Actually, fuck that. I needed her. She was the sunlight in my dark world, the air in my lungs, and every beat of my fucking heart. She was the center of me, and there was no way I’d let her go without a fight. Thank fuck I didn’t have to fight her to be with her. At least not anymore.
I spun her so her back was against my chest. One of her arms was around my neck while the other moved around her grazing and touching, basically driving every logical thought from my head. Her round ass pushed against my rapidly hardening dick and rubbed in beat to the music.
My fingers dug into the fleshy skin of her hips, trying to hold her still. “Sunshine, if you keep doing that you are going to get fucked here in the club.”
She pushed back and rolled her hips again. I guess that was my answer.
My hand slid down her body and guided her other arm around the back of my neck. “Don’t drop them,” I said in her ear.
Slowly, I let my hand glide down her arm, past her elbow, and wrap around her neck. Using my hold I tipped her face up and claimed her mouth. “You’re mine,” I growled as I pulled back. “I want to show every man here who you belong to.”
With one hand on her hip and the other around her throat, we grinded together as one song turned into another. The people around us disappeared as Sabrina became the center of my world. She was all I saw and felt. Before her I’d drifted through life, bouncing from one place to another. Then she slammed into my world, tilted me off my axis, and I’ve orbited around her since. Through her I found purpose, direction, and a future. No matter what obstacles appeared before us, I would fight my way through each and every one to stay connected to her.
Sabrina tipped her head back, and the look of love and lust in her blue eyes nearly made me lose every last shred of control. She turned me into a teenager, and I was eager to find a dark corner to chase more of the euphoria I only felt with her.
I drew my nose up the column of her throat and inhaled the sweet scent of her perfume. I nipped the skin below her ear, then her lobe, and tugged. “Let’s go home.”
Her chest heaved, and she turned in my arms. In every other aspect of her life Sabrina took charge. Learning to share her life, and letting me share her burdens was an adjustment for her. As headstrong as she was during the day, when she was in my arms she melted. My desires became her desires. Pleasing me drove her wild. It was the same for me. Her sighs and moans fed my soul. I was greedy for them and tried to get as many of them as I could get out of her.
I turned her in my arms, wrapped her hair around my fist, and made love to her mouth the way I wanted to take her pussy. This kiss was a brutal battle of will. She took everything I gave and demanded more. It wasn’t choreographed or smooth. Our teeth clashed, tongues tangled, and lips pressed hard.