Page 95 of The Merger
His shoulders slumped. “What do you need to know?”
Colt slapped a twenty in her hand. “You win again, brat.”
I’d never been so happy to kick off a pair of heels as I was when we finally made it home. “God I’m tired.”
“I was too rough with you earlier,” he said, standing in the doorway of our bedroom.
I smiled at him. “I loved it. I’m just tired.”
He crossed the room and helped me out of my dress. “Let’s get you to bed then.”
As soon as he said, “bed” I yawned loudly. “Sleep sounds divine.”
He kissed my forehead. “When are we going to know?”
His hand slipped over my belly and left no confusion about what he meant. I threaded my fingers through his, letting both of our hands rest over our hopes and dreams of starting a family. “A couple more weeks. There’s been a few times the last few days where I thought maybe I noticed some changes, but it’s possibly just wishful thinking.”
“What have you noticed?” he asked, and I didn’t miss the hopeful lift in his voice.
“Just that I’ve been more tired lately. My breasts are starting to feel more tender, and I’ve had some odd cramps. But don’t get your hopes up. It could be PMS,” I cautioned him.
He pulled back the covers on the bed and handed me one of his shirts. I pulled it over my head even though I had plenty of my own pajamas, but the idea of being surrounded by his smell soothed me.
I climbed in, and he tucked the covers around me. “I’m afraid my hopes have been up since the moment I came inside of you knowing your pills were on the plane. But we’ve got time. Thankfully my wife is a lot younger than me.”
Another yawn escaped me. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”
“Soon,” he promised. “Colt is coming over. Jana was falling asleep on the way home, so he’s getting her to bed too.”
I smiled to myself. Maybe we wouldn’t be the only ones with a baby on the way.
* * *
Iwoke up the next morning sore but refreshed. Stryker usually only slept a few hours a night, so it wasn’t surprising to find myself in bed alone. Voices in the next room prompted me to throw on some pants. When I came out of the room I found Beck and Colt sitting around the table with Stryker.
“Hey guys, what brings all of you here this early in the morning?”
Colt rolled his eyes. “Brina, it’s after ten.”
“Wow, I haven’t slept this late since college.” I moved into the kitchen and found there was still coffee in the pot. I poured a cup, added my favorite creamer, and brought the cup up to inhale the sweet caffeine goodness.
“Ugh,” I groaned. “How long has this been sitting here? It smells burnt.”
Beck’s eyes widened, Stryker smirked, and Colt looked at me shocked. “What?” I asked them, clearly I was missing some vital information.
“That’s a fresh pot, Sunshine,” Stryker told me.
He took my cup and poured it out. “You probably shouldn’t have it anyway.”
Colt stared at me with his mouth gaping and pointed at my belly. “Are you pregnant?”
I shrugged. “Maybe. It’s too soon to tell.”
“You move fast, brother,” Colt said and slapped Stryker on the back.