Page 14 of Hockey Boy
“I’m upset because I’m good at my job, Aiden. I spent hours picking out venues. Do you know how hard it is to find a location classy enough to host a Langfield wedding on such short notice? Do you have any idea how many phone calls I made? How good I am at this job? This place is amazing.” I turn and wave at the carousel. “Picture this, it’s July twenty-eighth, and the sun issinking in the sky, peeking through the trees. Your guests are seated in white chairs in that clearing.” I point to an open green space, a perfect circle for friends and family to gather. “White and yellow flower petals line the aisle. Green flowering vines run the length of the chairs. A flower wall stands as the backdrop. You’re standing at the altar with your brothers, waiting for your bride to arrive.”
Aiden tilts his head, his expression going soft as he looks at the space, as if he’s picturing the scene I’m describing.
“The music starts up, a soft guitar maybe, or even a violin,” I whisper. “Then one by one, bridesmaids walk down the aisle. They’ll wear something made of chiffon, light and airy. And just as the sky turns the color of sherbet, she’ll appear.”
Aiden’s lips lift like he’s picturing his bride appearing in front of him. For a moment, I imagine what it would be like to see him standing there, his dimple popping. Hell, who am I kidding? Aiden would be in tears.
My throat gets tight at the vision.
Imagining a future I’ll never have with the only person I ever saw at the end of the aisle. The only person I’ve ever wanted everything with.
I’d forgotten that dream.
Put it out of my head.
When Aiden turns to me, his eyes are watery, just like I imagined they would be. There’s warmth there too.
And fuck, if I look too closely, I’d probably believe I can see love too.
I choke on air. Suddenly, there’s so much of it, it’s suffocating. I cough, breaking his gaze.
“Jill,” I say.
She must be behind me. Why else would Aiden be wearing such a look of genuine affection, such a blissful expression? It was a look of warm love, pure and simple. It’s one I remember well from the nights he held me in his arms and promised me forever.
It may have been cheesy, but we were seventeen, and I believed every word.
I think if I’d let him, he would have kept every promise he made.
He was that good. All the way to his core. And we were that in love.
“She’s not coming.” The words come out soft, but they hit me hard enough to bowl me over. He says them again, more intimately this time, as he gently grasps my arms and holds me still.
“Because she doesn’t want me to plan her wedding.” I deflate. It’s time to accept that I’m going to lose this job. I let out a weary sigh. “I understand. I’ll turn all the information I’ve collected over to one of the other planners.” I dig out my phone and once again take a step back from the man who continues to get too close for my battered heart.
“This job means a lot to you?” Aiden asks, dipping his head to catch my eye.
I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions. I live my life loudly. Boldly. I wouldn’t know how to stop, even if I wanted to. The entire point of not agreeing to my father’s ludicrous demands is so that I can remain me, not stifle more of myself.
I straighten my shoulders. “I just need a win, ya know?”
Aiden nods. “So let’s plan a wedding.”
I almost laugh. “What?”
“You need a win, and I’m happy to help you get it.”
“Aiden,” I chide, my heart hammering against my sternum. “Jill obviously isn’t comfortable with me planning your wedding.”
He shakes his head. “No. That’s not it at all. Jill isn’t coming. I’m planning it.”
I stare at him, all rational thought escaping me. “You’re planning the wedding?”
He grins. It’s wide and easy, and I want to sink into it. His smile burrows beneath my skin, making me warm, even though we aren’t touching. “You don’t think I could plan a spectacular wedding? Come on, Lex.This is my calling.”
My heart lifts at the teasing in his tone. “Thought that was hockey, Leprechaun.”
The grin that sank beneath my skin works its way straight to my heart as the expression morphs into a smile so wide his eyes are all squinty. “So you do remember the nicknames.”