Page 31 of Hockey Boy
Chuckling, I kneel at her feet and hold out the pair of silver shoes I picked knowing they’d match any of the dresses in the room. I grasp one ankle, relishing the feel of her skin beneath my palm, and look up at her. “I remember everything, Lex. When it comes to you, every detail is tattooed on my brain.”
She sucks in a breath, her eyes widening, as I secure the shoe.
“You’re unforgettable.”
She doesn’t respond, but her swallow is audible.
I have to look away before I let every other truth slip out. Truths likeI miss youandI love you.
With both shoes strapped, I get to my feet. “Ready to crash a wedding and convince a band to be your bitch?”
Lennox’s loud laugh echoes off the dressing room walls.
My heart flips in my chest in response. Making her smile is an addiction.
We stride into the wedding venue like we’re meant to be there. “I’ll grab drinks. You go scope out the band,” I offer.
She nods, and then she’s gone. The wedding is a bit ostentatious. The tables are covered in glittery gold tablecloths with vases filled with peacock feathers. Servers weave through the space carrying champagne flutes on trays, making sure no one has an empty hand. I make my way to the bar and order. While I wait, I prop myself up against the edge of it and take in the scene. Within minutes, I’m approached.
“Hey, would you mind?” the woman asks, holding up her phone.
I nod and give her a practiced smile. I’m recognized just about everywhere I go. “Sure, happy to take a picture,” I reply, holding out my arm so the woman can hop in for a selfie with me.
Her lips turn down in a frown. “I meant can you take a picture of my friend and me?”
Face heating, I hold out my hand. “Of course.” Quickly, I take the requested photo, going above and beyond by being sure to get several angles for them.
“Well, that was embarrassing,” a sultry voice purrs in my ear.
I turn to find a pretty brunette standing very close to me. I back up a step and give her the same practiced smile I gave the first woman. “Yeah, not sure what I was thinking.”
She slides closer and pulls her shoulders back, putting her chest on display. “No, I meant that she should be embarrassed for not realizing she asked the best center to ever play the game to take her picture without realizing who he was.”
Surprised, I survey her, this time wearing a genuine smile. “You know hockey?”
“Guilty,” she says, licking her red lips.
“I’m Aiden.” I offer her my hand.
She takes it, pushing closer again. “Oh, I’m very aware of who you are.”
“Right.” I laugh, a niggle of unease worming its way through me. “And you are?”
“Very interested.”
I shake my head, neck heating. “Sorry. I’m here with someone.” With that response, I can’t help but scan the space, searching that someone out. When I spot her, I point her out so that this woman knows I have an actual date, hoping that’ll discourage her from pursuing me and I won’t have to outright shut her down. “She’s right there.”
Of course, at that very minute, Lennox pulls a piece of paper from the bodice of her dress and passes it to the lead singer of the band.
The woman beside me hums, her tone full of amusement. “You sure she knows she’s here with you?”
“Excuse me.” With a nod, I pick up the drinks I came for, then head in Lennox’s direction.
As if she can feel me approaching—fuck, I hope she can sense me the way I sense her—she turns, her lips twisted into a big grin. Though an instant later, the expression sours.
“What’s wrong, Hockey Boy?”
I take a deep breath, my tie suddenly a little too tight. “What did you give the singer?”