Page 46 of Hockey Boy
I grin. Am I affecting her? God, I hope so. My cock pulses at her proximity. It takes Herculean restraint not to rock against her.
“‘Do you possess his thoughts like you do mine? Making it impossible for him to work, to breathe, to fucking sleep at night without dreaming of your taste?’ His tantalizing voice dances against my skin as he brushes the barest of kisses against my shoulder, and my legs clench together as I squeeze my eyes shut.”
Lennox inches forward, and when she sucks in a breath, I know she’s discovered how hard I am. Instead of darting away, she freezes and drags her attention up to me. In the light of her phone screen, her blue eyes are dark, her pupils almost eclipsing the irises completely.
“Keep reading,” I tell her, all the while squeezing her thighs and rubbing her oh so gently over the head of my cock. If the kind of obsession she’s reading about is what turns heron, then she’s in luck. I’ve always been that guy when it comes to her.
Obsessed. A bit crazy. And determined as anything to make her mine.
“So let me get this straight,”Sara says, dropping a blob of concealer onto a sponge.” He showed up at your apartment and told you he ended his engagement with Jill right after he left your office?Swoon?—”
“Total swoon,” Hannah agrees, fanning herself with a magazine.
“Yes, total swoon.” Dabbing the cool liquid concealer under my eyes, Sara arches a brow. “And then what? You decided eleven years apart was too much and expressed your love for one another, and now you’re back together?”
I clutch her wrist and tug, stopping her from attacking my face with her sponge. “First off, cool it with the jabby hands. Second, no. Obviously, that isn’t what happened.”
Blue eyes narrowed, she huffs. “Then please explain how you went from freaking out that Aiden almost kissed you to bringing himas your date toyour family’s party tonight.”
Hannah sucks in a breath and tosses her magazine onto the bed. “He almost kissed you?”
Lips pursed, I assess her, then Sara. “He did kiss me.”
The girls scream in surround sound, making it impossible to tamp down the giddy excitement that bubbles up in my chest at the reminder of Aiden’s kiss. It was nothing like it used to be. Aiden Langfield has become a master with his mouth.
Don’t get me wrong—when we were teenagers, I was certain his kisses would be the best of my life. But adult Aiden has the lips of Adonis. Plump and soft, with just the right amount of pressure, and a teasing tongue. Don’t even get me started on the way he nipped at my bottom lip before pulling away. I practically orgasmed on the spot, and that is not how I roll.
I’m not difficult to please, but I am always in my head, always juggling a million thoughts, which can make it hard to focus and actually orgasm.
But that’s a story for another day.
My attempt to show Aiden that he absolutely could not handle a fake engagement-slash-wedding to yours truly backfired spectacularly when the only person who got lost in that damn kiss was me.
And last night in the hot tub? There was an intimacy there that even a kiss couldn’t convey. Aiden’s vulnerability awoke a protective instinct inside me. It was impossible not to fall a little for him then, and if I’m not careful, I’ll be halfway in love before we even go on our first fake date.
“How was it?” Sara drops onto the bed beside me, apparently giving up on my makeup.
“Ugh, it’s been so long since I’ve been thoroughly kissed,” Hannah says, her tone airy as she falls back against my pillows.
I don’t even have to lie when I reply. “It was perfect. And so incredibly weird. It’s been over a decade, and somehow, it felt like the most natural thing. He was sweet and told me about how Jill cheated on him?—”
“Seriously?” Hannah bolts upright. “That chick is the worst. I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with her calling for her specialty teas and all the dietary requests she pretended were for Aiden. Like girl, the boy lives on orange soda. We know he isn’t drinking green kombucha.”
I snort. She’s not wrong.
“And then what happened?” Sara prods. She’s like a bear sniffing around a campsite for scraps. She won’t let go of this until she’s gotten every morsel out of me.
I shrug, buying myself an extra couple of seconds while I figure out how to spin the next part so I don’t slip up and clue them in to the fake relationship. “I told him about the party, and he offered to come.” See? Perfect. That is an absolutely truthful statement. “He knows my family, and he knows how difficult my relationship with my parents can be. We’re going as friends,” I add, trying to act nonchalant.
I don’t mention how he almost brought me to orgasm in the hot tub just by rubbing me on his lap. Or how I nearly cried when I got to the end of the chapter, and he said he was tired and wanted to head to bed. He was so damn hard beneath me, and when he stepped out of the hot tub, there was no hiding it. Especially because the man had to be a gentleman and wrap me up in a towel before he covered himself.
But he didn’t let us go there. Which is good. Obviously. Because this isfake.
My best friend is not easily persuaded. Especially because I’m terrible at hiding my emotions. That’s one of the reasons I rarely try. So the effort I’m putting in now probably makes it more than obvious that I have feelings for my ex-boyfriend. Feelings, mind you,I’mnot supposed to have.
“You can’t even look me in the eye when you say that,” she deadpans.
Hopping off the bed, I snatch the sponge from her hand and the makeup bag from beside her. “Whatever. It’s a crazy situation, and I don’t know what to think.” I stroll into the bathroom to finish getting ready. “Two days ago, I was planning the man’s wedding, and now I’m going on a date with him.”