Page 6 of Hockey Boy
My best friend harrumphs. “She gave the server her card.”
Millie rests her hand on top of mine on the table. “You don’t have to do that. Gavin told me brunch is on him.”
Sara rolls her eyes. “He bought it last week. Why can’t we split it like normal people do?”
“It’s my love language. Let me love you,” I whine, bumping her shoulder with mine.
Hannah snorts. “You can love me over at Nordstrom if ya want.”
Clasping my hands in front of me, I beam. “Now that’s my kinda sugar baby. Come to mama.” I hold out my arms and shimmy.
Hannah blows me a kiss.
Millie giggles. “Whatever. I’mgetting next week.”
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” Sara says, her expression pensive. “We’ll love you even if we buy our own mimosas.”
And I love her for reminding me. As a Kennedy, money is my most sought-after commodity. My value is directly linked to what I can offer, and while I still have the means, I’d like to spoil the people who have never made me feel that way at all.
Gavin: How’d wedding planning go?
Beckett: He probably burst into song in the event planner’s office. Did you jump up on the desk? What did you sing? Wait, don’t tell me. Britney Spears Toxic?
Brooks: Lol
Gavin: Aiden?
Beckett: We’re just teasing. Seriously, how did it go?
Brooks: Oh, shit. Guys. Sara just texted. Apparently, Lennox is Aiden’s wedding planner.
Beckett: No ducking way.
Gavin: I feel like this deserves a real fuck.
Beckett: I tried. Damn autocorrect doesn’t know it’s duck, not duck.
Beckett: Duck.
Even though Ihate every one of them right now, I can’t help but snort at their antics. God, they were so right about Jill, and it pisses me off. They’ve always looked at me as the idiot little brother. Lots of eye rolls and scoffs. Silly Aiden, Goofball Aiden, Happy Aiden. They clearly don’t think much of my intelligence, and it’s obvious they think I have no real emotions. Most of the time, I let their comments slide. It’s better to just be Happy Aiden.
People like Happy Aiden.
They don’t take him too seriously, so no one digs deep. I prefer it that way. If they uncovered even a layer or two, they’d discover how very depressed I’ve been on and off for years.
A man with everything he’s ever wanted. Who greatness comes easy to. The guy the world smiles and laughs at. If they’re going to laugh, I might as well laugh with them.
But right now, there’s no faking that I’m okay.
I am not even remotely upset about Jill. I suppose that’s not completely true. I am pissed that she almost got one over on me, but I’m not upset she’s gone. Even so, I don’t exactly want to go home. Her stuff is all over my place, and I don’t want to risk running into her if she’s there.
But I can’t crash with any of my brothers because then I’d have to admit that yes, they were right. Jill is toxic.
So instead, I go to the one place that always brings me peace. My personal sanctuary.
The rink.