Page 68 of Hockey Boy
He sticks his bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. It’s ridiculously adorable. The manpoutsadorably. Comeon.
Stepping up so close his scent washes over me—clean laundry and a hint of sweat—he clutches my left hand and rubs his thumb along my fourth finger.
“Guess I need to pick up a fake ring,” I say, trying to ground us again.
Aiden clenches his jaw and looks from my finger to my face. “I’ll handle it. What do you have planned for lunch?”
I do my best to ignore how much I enjoy his touch. “I’m meeting with my father and Ryder.”
His grip tightens on my finger, and a scowl forms on his face. “Why?”
With a sigh, I deflate. Dammit. This is the perfect reminder that he won’t handle this all well. I may be attracted to Aiden, but he’s got feelings. They’re big and beautiful, and he’s more in tune with them than any man I’ve ever met. They just aren’t directed at the right person. I can’t be what he wants.
“You know why. I need to lock his band down for the Kingston wedding.”
“Your father wants you to work for him. He wants to control you.”
My chest tightens, but I fight the sensation and tip my chin up defiantly. “I can’t be controlled.”
Eyes softening, Aiden releases my hand and cups my chin instead. His thumb scrapes softly against my skin. “Good.” He smiles. “Dinner, then? We can do takeout after I move in.”
“You’re moving in tonight?” I squeak, instantly assaulted by a flood of nerves.
“That gonna be a problem, Princess?”
There’s no stopping the laugh that escapes me at his cockiness. “No problem for me. Just remember the rules, and we’ll be good.”
Pressing closer, he brings his mouth to my ear. “You set the rules, Princess. I’ll do whatever you tell me to.”
With that, he walks backward, a smile on his face, and goes back to singing “Blank Space.”
Me: I’m calling an emergency meeting.
Sara: I KNEW you would freak out about the Aiden thing.
Ava: What Aiden thing?
Hannah: What did I miss?
Millie: I’m so sorry Gavin interfered last night. I told him he’s not getting into this body for an entire night.
Me: Wow. Thanks for the support.
Sara: Considering she’s engaged to a Langfield, that is a punishment. Believe me, holding these men back for even an hour is a full-time job. You’d know if you were really moving in with Aiden.
Hannah: Holy shit, you’re moving in with Aiden?
Ava: Wait, isn’t he engaged?
Sara: Keep up. He broke the engagement off as soon as he saw Lennox again because, duh, why wouldn’t he? But now they’re playing some type of fake-dating game. I don’t buy it.
Millie: I think they’re adorable together.
Sara: Stop being so nice.
Ava: Are you happy, Lennox?
I stare downat the last message as I step inside the restaurant. Despite the dread that washes over me as I prepare to meet with my father, I can’t say I’m unhappy. Lately, it really does feel like I’m heading in the direction of happy. It’s a little scary, since I’m also headed toward a fake marriage with my ex-boyfriend-turned-roommate.