Page 95 of Hockey Boy
The poor pitcher is corralling the puffins, using some type of whistling call, and thank fuck, they’re all waddling in a line down the aisle.
Avery cringes, clutching her hands in front of her. “I’m so sorry. I think the crowd made them nervous. But good news,” she says as she approaches, pulling a towel from her purse, “the applesauce consistency means the birds are healthy. You shouldn’t need any shots.”
“Oh my god. You need to go,” Gavin groans.
Lennox’s face has gone white. Shit. I need to fix this for her.
“Can someone get the groom a water?” I yell.
“And a wet cloth,” Lennox hollers, finally kicking into gear.
It takes a good fifteen minutes, but once everyone is hydrated again, and the smell of the birds dissipates, we’re all back in position. All of us but the pastor, that is. Though Beckett has taken over the ceremony.
“I knew being ordained online was a good idea,” he says with a wink.
The crowd breaks into a chorus of chuckles and whistles and full-out guffaws as he begins.
“We’re here today because one of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing met my brother.”
More laughter.
“No, seriously. Millie, if it weren’t for you, Gavin never would have known true happiness. He never would have settled down, and he may not have been ready to be a father to Vivi. The three of you are living a beautiful story full of family and love, showing the world that following your heart, no matter the cost, will always be worth it.”
As Beckett goes on, I can’t help but watch Lennox. She’s misty eyed, with bright cheeks and that dazzling smile.
By the time Beckett finally announces that Gavin can kiss his bride, I swear he’s coming out of his skin, dying to touch her.
“It is my great honor to pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”
Gavin grasps Millie by the neck and pulls her close. “Peaches,” he mutters, his lips against hers.
It’s not a chaste kiss. No, he goes all out, dipping her back.
She giggles against his mouth when he brings her back to her feet. “That’s Mrs. Peaches to you.”
Beckett stands behind them, chest puffed out proudly. Just as the happy couple goes in for another kiss and the photographer steps up to snap a picture, a black bird flies overhead and lets its bowels loose on Beckett’s suit.
“Ducking shit,” Beckett yells up at the sky.
Vivi claps. “Duck!”
Finn shakes his head, peering up at his dad. “I got bad news, Bossman. That is not theconsistency of applesauce.” Then, in a quieter voice, he adds, “Also, that’ll be a thousand.”
The reception is a blast. It’s impossible not to feel the love radiating off Gavin and Millie, even from across the room.
When Beckett gets up to give his speech, we hop up for a surprise flash dance mob, boogying to “I’ve had the time of My Life.” Daniel plays Johnny to my Baby. My brothers and I shimmy our shoulders and walk toward him, dancing to the beat. Millie and the girls are laughing so hard, tears stream down their cheeks. Gavin is grinning wide. When it comes to the lift scene, I give the crowd an exaggerated wink, then sprint toward my Johnny.
Just like I knew he could, my left winger lifts me into the air and spins.
It’s a highlight of my life.
It’s almost as great as the text message I receive only moments later, while Lennox is in my arms and we’re swaying to the music.
Jill: Hi. Did you buy your mattress from a discount store? Because I am covered in bites from some type of bedbug, and I must be allergic. I tried calling the mattress store, but they said because the order was in your name, you would have to make the claim on my behalf. I’m forwarding my medical bills, my lost wages (since I can’t post on social media looking like this), and my therapist’s bills. I can’t sleep, Aiden. Every time I close my eyes, I picture the little terrors biting my skin. Do you have any idea how awful this is? Here are the pictures that the company needs for the claim. You need to deal with this NOW!
With a guffaw, I show Lennox. Then I shoot Jill a text.