Page 58 of Trouble
What will he do when he realizes just how fucking gone I am for her?
Will he pull his own cock out and thrust into his hand as he watches? Will he rush in here and rip her off me, then fuck her too? Will he allow her to keep riding me and grip her hair like I did earlier, forcing her mouth around his cock, so we can all find release together?
Bliss blurs the lines in my head, and I swell at the memory of the way he thrust into his hand last night. At the way his voice broke as he came callingmyname. That single image has me growling out a curse and fucking her brutally, gripping her hips hard, my cock swelling and jerking until I paint her insides. Melina rolls her hips while I hold her tight against me, her tits bouncing, and then she’s arching back and crying out with her own release.
“Holy fuck,” she murmurs as she falls against my chest, panting just as violently as I am.
I’m not even remotely satisfied. Not because it wasn’t the best sex of my life, but because I want more.
Like Melina last night, I want to know when we can do this again.
The front door slams, causing the house to shake and my eyes to fly open.
With a kiss to Melina’s forehead, I slip out of her. “Let me get you something to clean up.” Fuck, I need to get out of this room. I can’t be lying here a puddle of want and need when my best friend walks in.
It was one thing to imagine Melina as mine—as ours—last night. Even in the sleepy haze this morning.
But in the light of day, I know that can’t be a reality.
I roll her onto the mattress and head for the bathroom, disappearing before he opens the door. Their conversation is muffled, but if I focused, I could make out their words. I don’t want to make out their words, so I turn on the tap to drown out all sound. Palms on the counter, I hang my head and close my eyes, trying to wrap my mind around what the hell we’re doing.
I should go to work.
I should make myself scarce, like I originally planned.
Nothing good can come from spending time with the two of them in this bedroom.
Forcing myself to straighten, I glare at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed, and my eyes bright, the typical stressed-out bags under them missing.
It’s Melina.
I know it’s Melina.
I sleep like the dead when I’m with her.
Cocooned in her warmth. Pressed against her back. Surrounded by the sweet smell of her coconut lotion.
I cup my hands under the faucet and splash cool water on my face. Then I set it to warm and grab a washcloth. Once it’s soaked, I wring it so it won’t drip, steel myself, and leave the bathroom.
“I got a towel for—” I stop abruptly when I find Cade between Melina’s legs, lapping at her.
He pauses his work and gives me a lazy smile. “I’m taking care of the mess.” His words are like expensive whiskey, husky and smooth. The smile he’s directing at me is the one he gave me in my dream. Lazy and sinful, his dimple popping. With a quick lift of his chin, he turns back to Melina and slides his tongue through her drenched lips.
The lips drenched with my cum.
Hers too.
Instantly, I’m painfully hard. The sight of him sucking my cum from her body while moaning in pleasure is too much of a turn-on to ignore.
And I don’t know what the fuck to think of that.
I wasn’tthe least bit surprised when Declan saw me between Mel’s thighs, grew about ten inches, and then disappeared, claiming he had to get to work.
He wasn’t ready. Maybe he never will be.