Page 29 of Knot Their Omega
“No one would dare do that shit.”
“Because what?” I prompt and wait for him to give me a valid answer that makes him “oh-so-scary” to the world. Heck, an alley cat has a better chance of being frightening than Nathaniel Morelli. “If you believe people aren’t plotting your downfall after every single show of yours sold out in five minutes, then you’re living in a world of pure delusion, Nathaniel.”
“Get off my back,” he snaps.
“Grow the fuck up,” I toss right back. “I don’t give a shit if you haven’t fucked good Omega pussy in months. You tame that attitude problem of yours when it comes to Mallory and anyone else who has to clean up your bullshit daily, or else I’ll gladly tell them to back the fuck off and see how fast a scandal with your name on it will be on the front page of the Sun.”
I know he wants to argue because I can hear him inhale a prepared breath.
“No fucking excuses, and don’t bring that rotten attitude on me tonight, or you’ll be fucking sorry,” I threaten because I really won’t let him get me riled up tonight.
I’m not like him, who has the Golden Knot Elite Club on speed dial for whenever he needs five to ten hired Omegas to come sign his NDAs and give him a night of sucking and fucking.
He grumbles something under his breath, which has me growling.
“I. Will. Hang. Up,” I emphasize every word, and the silence proves he heard me loud and clear.Good.“Now, is there anything else you need? Last time I checked, Kenji had a phone. Just like Kai. You can call them and see how far you get asking them for shit.”
“Ugh, no,” he grunts in frustration, panicking that I will hang up on him. “You know Kenji ignores my phone calls, and Kai is so fucking awkward on the phone. Says Kon-chi-whatever, and that’s it. Fucking silence!”
“?????,” I say it fluently before adding, “It’s Kon’nichiwa. You already know English and Italian. Shouldn’t be hard to grasp the basic greetings of other languages. You’re set to do a tour there next year if your American tour goes well, so try to learn.”
“If?” Of course, he grasps that specific word. “It will do well, Icarus! It has to because we can’t fuck up. I worked too fucking hard these last twelve months to get this big break. Nothing can fuck it up!”
It makes it seem like he did everything.
If it wasn’t for me pulling a bunch of strings to get him on tour, he wouldn’t have happened.
Nate’s music deserves to be headlined across the world with that resonating voice that somehow touches young and old heartstrings.
Nate’s personality, however,is where doors close faster than the New York subway line.
I put up with it because I know Nate’s true intentions. I know the agony and pain he’s gone through thanks to the deception of many who used him for clout and left him with crumbs in this lethal industry. I get him and his trauma, but in our unapologetic world of entertainment, everyone goes through shit to make it to the top.
No one is special, and if you think you are, you’ll find out rather quickly you’re nothing but an ant trying to make it up a hill.
Not be squished along the way.
“Which is why you should be careful sleeping with all those Omegas,” I grunt in reminder. I really can’t fathom his lifestyle.I get it, yes, but fuck. Random pussy every night without knowing the woman’s name? Fuck that shit.One-night stands are fine and dandy, but I can’t stick my dick and fight a knot without knowing the Omega’s name. “Just because they sign NDAs doesn’t mean shit. Did you make sure they signed the ones I created for you?”
“Ugh, I got a few of them,” he grunts like I’m the problem.
“Nate.” He really doesn’t get the dangerous game he’s playing. “If an Omega comes on national television saying she’s preggo with your baby, the entire tour is fucked.”
“D-Don’t say that!” he hisses. “We’re not manifesting that shit!”
“You fucking will if you keep playing games, thinking this is exactly that. This is your profession, Nate. I can’t keep protecting you if you won’t do the bare minimum of protecting your fucking self!” He doesn’t understand how tiring all of this is. “You don’t want to manifest a scandal, thinking you’re untouchable, when you won’t even get these unknown bitches to sign a fucking paper I created and legalized to protect your musical ass! Be fucking for real, ass!”
“Th-That’s what I pay you for, though!” he argues, which only further ticks me off.
“You want to bring payment into it? You don’t pay me enough!” I emphasize and laugh. “I have a five-hundred-page waitlist of artists begging to have me as their talent manager. I have multiple seven- and eight-figure music corporations begging for me to be employed even one day a month to aid in managing the best of their best. I have TikTokers who have 100 million followers wishing for a shot to have me map the perfect plan to make them into an all-star in their genre of music and talent. Don’t go bringing pay anything in our conversations ever again, or I’ll triple my rate.”
I can hear the audible gulp from here.
“Which I’m well aware you can’t afford.”
With Nate, you have to drill him until he remembers he doesn’t come from wealth and fortune.
His parents are normal, humble individuals in this world compared to his delusional ass, who is honestly crazy seventy percent of the time. Arguing over this when I still don’t know what the purpose of this call was is utter madness.