Page 62 of Knot Their Omega
The poor Omega flinches at the loud noise, her head darting our way, forcing us to acknowledge her stunning cyan-blue eyes.
Wow. She’s stunning, and her scent only gets stronger by the second… fuck.
I know all of us in our pack have sweet scents because everyone likes to comment how it feels like they’ve walked into a bakery when our pack is together, but her aroma.
She’s the entire cake session, ready to leave us drooling in desire.
We watch as realization with hints of recognition glimmer in her wide eyes as she takes in our group. Her gaze lingers onKenji the longest, the sense of familiarity blossoming in the lines of her gorgeous face.
Pulling down the headphones so they rest on her neck, her eyes return to the furious star of this tour bus.
“What did you say?” she asks for Nate to repeat as she blinks a few times. She must have realized what he said because she adds, “And who the fuck are you?”
My lips are lifting at the corners while Kenji is gawking like a stunned statue.
“W-W-Who the fuck am I?” Nate snaps and points to himself. “I’m Nathaniel Morelli!”
She stares at him for the longest ten seconds of our lives.
“Who’s that?” she genuinely asks with the cutest confused look I’ve seen on an Omega face.
That leaves poor Nate too stunned to speak, baffled by her reply. Kenji is already losing it.
“SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE?!” Kenji hollers and claps his hands. “Sweet Hummingbird! You’ve made my whole day! No, week! No, fuck it. YEAR!”
The Omega simply pouts her cute lips once more, looking at Kenji as if he can save her from her drowning confusion.
“Mr. Baek?” she questions. “Do you know this douche?”
“DOUCHE!!!!” Kenji exclaims and is laughing so hard, it’s forming tears in his eyes. “Oh, I’m sold. I don’t care who we need to fight. I like her! Kai, don’t you like her?”
Kenji looks for my approval with his excited eyes, and I can’t ignore him even if I try.
“She’s interesting,” I end up saying as I try to look “casual” in taking her in.
She’s petite compared to the rest of us. Then again, everyone in our pack is over 6’, and this stunning Omega has to be at least 5’2”.
Fucking cute…
Her hair catches my attention like it did at the meet last night. Omegas rarely dye their hair, especially in such a bold color like lavender. It’s an extremely hard color to pull off, and the only person I’ve seen manage to do a dark purple shade was Kenji last year.
The color complements her, especially with how it transitions to the silver tips. Adding the dark lip and the natural heart shape of her face, she looks like a goddess ready to descend a flight of stairs and claim her throne.
Too many fantasy books.
The black t-shirt, which is practically a dress on her, has to be Icarus’. He always wore oversized t-shirts at home, but outside, he wears those tight-fitted shirts to emphasize every line of muscle he’s gained with all his training. I swear it’s an insecurity issue after being scrawny and bullied when he was younger. Now, no one can come close unless they have a death wish.
Then again, he’s tamed himself in comparison to our teenage years, but he also has me do the dirty work if someone begins pushing his buttons.
“I’m more than interesting,” she replies to my statement, grabbing my attention as she lowers the iPad to the counter so she can give us her full attention.
Crossing her arms over her chest only makes me center my focus on her breasts as they press against the t-shirt fabric. It may be loose, but the fabric ain’t thick.
It’s thin as fuck, showing the outline of this woman’s perky breasts… down to those hard nipples.
She has a good set of breasts… not too big, but not too small.