Page 72 of Knot Their Omega
The idea doesn’t sit well with the others because they’re growling at the mere mention.
I frown at their reactions, trying my best to ignore the need to join in on the growling declaration, as if I’m also protecting this woman I know nothing about.
“If she’s going to be helping us, the least we can do is to continue to ensure her safety, especially if that pack decides to find her and get payback for the humiliation and beating they got from yours truly,” Icarus summarizes. “Which I have every intention of fulfilling. We’ve already signed an initial agreement and sent it to the officials, so they won’t cancel the tour. She did that out of a special request from me to save YOUR tour.”
He holds his finger out when I try to argue.
“Listen and absorb my words before you combat me. It’s fucking annoying that you like to bicker about shit I’ve already addressed.”
That forces me to shut up and take a second to reel in what he just revealed.
“Wait,” Kenji raises his hand as if we’re back in the classroom. “She volunteered to be our Omega, even if it’s just temporary, so that our tour wouldn’t be canceled?”
“Yes,” Icarus answers calmly. If I wasn’t so pissed, it would sound rather commiserating to me. “She’s aware you’re the drummer of the group. I’m sure that played a factor in the decision-making. She doesn’t know anything about Kai, but you guys did say he introduced himself to her with his true identity, and she didn’t freak the fuck out. That should be a sign she isn’t just here to fuck shit over. She would have done so with all the information she could have gathered already.”
“We don’t know that we’re out of the woods yet,” I rush to state.
“So, until then, be fucking grateful your tour isn’t canceled,” Icarus huffs my way. “Or should I make a phone call and say Astraea changed her mind?”
“No,” I say immediately.
“Then eat your breakfast, go clean up, and head to the studio to get some shit recorded instead of wasting your time and raising your blood pressure, all because we have an Omega helping things run in our favor.”
“She’s in my room!” I whine and point back to the sliding door that’s blocking the path. “And it stinks there. I can’t wash up.”
“Then go smelly for all I care.” Icarus isn’t having it today. “I have to make some phone calls. You don’t want to be on that side. Go use the other washroom or go back to your family place and shower. I don’t give a fuck.”
Icarus rises and picks up his coffee.
“Kai, I’ll message you when I’m going to leave.” He then looks to Kenji. “Do you mind doing a session at the cafe house tonight? They called me on the way back here saying their drummer called in sick.”
“Easy,” Kenji assures him. “Got it covered. Just save me some time with Hummingbird once arrangements are settled.”
“Cool,” Icarus announces and looks my way. “NDAs from this point onward. Also, get your hair cut soon. The tour is getting close, and I need you to look decent and not like some stalker hiding in an alleyway.”
“Wh-What?” I’m baffled by his insults. “I look good.”
“You look disgusting,” Kenji admits. “When was the last time you cut your hair? Even us psychotic drummers can do a bit of styling and self-care every three months.”
“I just came from an orgy, and you guys are talking shit.”
“That’s exactly why they are,” Kai grumbles. “You care more about looking like a sex slave than a rising singer of a trending band.”
I can’t argue with him because his phone begins to ring. From the sound of it, it seems important, especially because Kai’s phone doesn’t ring often.
“Got to take this.”
“Want me to come keep you company?” Kenji offers.
He doesn’t need any company. He just doesn’t want to be stuck with me.
“Score! See you guys later.”
They’re out in a heartbeat, leaving me to watch Icarus as he walks to the mini fridge and retrieves two ice cream bars.
“I don’t want ice cream,” I huff.