Page 95 of Knot Their Omega
I don’t bother answering because I don’t know why the fuck he isn’t here. Surely, after the impactful interaction he had with Astraea, her memory should be nagging him silly.Like it did all of us.Yet, if she really left a mark on him, he would have tried to inquire about her by now.
Deciding to look at the culprit who can give me the answers I need, my eyes land on Kenji.
His slight grimace tells me I won’t like what he has to say.
“He’s distracting himself.”
I can’t comprehend which one of us growls first, but the reaction is primitive—an obvious conclusion neither I nor Kai like that set of news.
“He should be here, not fucking a random bitch,” Kai snarls.
Kenji simply shrugs.
“He doesn’t want to believe Astraea’s the one, I guess,” Kenji states with a lift of his shoulders. “I say we kick him out!”
“Kenji,” I groan and pinch my nose. I don’t like having this discussion. The fact it’s a discussion I don’t enjoy bringing up proves it’s come up enough times to be a lingering problem. “You know we can’t abandon him like that. We’re best pals.”
“You’re best pals,” Kenji reminds me. “We’re not.”
“We’re best friends,” I correct them.
“Not with this Nathaniel, the self-destructive bus,” Kenji declares. “He can go fuck his future over himself. At least if he’s out of the picture, we can find a new lead singer of the band.”
“Should see if Astraea can sing. Her moans are musical.”
I smirk while Kenji muffles his snickers.
“You know, I’ve yet to experience the musical symphony of euphoria from our Sweet Hummingbird, but I’m 100% confident you’re right,” Kenji says with pride. “I’ll see for myself.”
“On another day,” I urge him when he tries to make a beeline down the hall. “Let her rest. Me and Kai already did enough.”
“I can see that,” Kenji notes. “You two in competition on who can get the most permanent marks on their body or what?”
“It was unintentional,” Kai offers.
“Lying ass,” I huff and shoo them away. “Let me put this on her bed. As for Nate, let’s deal with him later. You know how he is. We know his history. We can’t just abandon ship when we’ve finally reached our goal as a pack.”
“He’s the hindrance that’s going to hold us back. Just wait and see,” Kenji huffs. “And I’ll tell you now. If he continues being an unloyal douche, he’s out in my books.”
“Last time I checked, I have the final say with those books,” I remind him because I know how dangerous it is when Kenji decides you’re no longer worthy of his redemption.
He allows them to destroy every bit of the potential future they have.
In fact, he encourages it. That’s why you never get on Kenji’s bad side. You don’t test a lion that’s been ready to feast for hours in the burning sun.
“He doesn’t deserve her,” Kai mutters and looks around the room that’s already half empty. “She’s kind. Considerate. Stunning and full of so much unique beauty in her soul. She… acts like a woman who actually sees us. Not just our roles and the number of figures in our bank accounts. How many years have we waited for this prime opportunity to blaze into our lives?”
I can sense the longing in his voice as he says nothing but facts.
He’s right. This is what we’ve been waiting for. What we thought would be impossible in this generation of Omegas thatonly see us as power and survival tools that bear financial security and abundance to their Omegas.
We stumbled into this predicament, and we’re already reaping the rewards of having an Omega in our lives. Not just the ones laid upon the government, but true gifts of opportunity and blessings with getting to interact and be intimate with her so quickly.
To the world, it would look like a fast-paced connection that will crumble in a matter of weeks, if not days.
However, in our little world, everything feels so fucking right, it’s scary to acknowledge just how delightful all of this has been. The rollercoaster of fate that’s led us down this path where we finally have what we’ve prayed for all this while.
After all this while, I can’t let anyone fuck it up.