Page 19 of The Hunt of Night
“You violated your punishment.” She jabs a finger in my direction as I shake my head at her.
“No, you violatedmewhen you placed this into my flesh.” My heart beats rapidly in my chest, echoing in my ears. “Now, are you going to do anything other than throw your weight around because someone was injured during a trial, or are we done here?”
“I think we’re done for now,” Fairbourne declares, speaking for the first time, only to earn Bozzelli’s rage. If looks could kill, we’d both be dead right now.
“This isn’t the end of it, Miss Reagan,” she promises, adjusting the lapels of her suit jacket, and I snicker, but there’s not a single ounce of humor to it.
“I’m highly aware of that, but as always, I’ll rise above it for the good of the kingdom.”
The click of the door shutting behind me offers no refuge. I’m tense, wound tight with a bundle of emotions that I can’t decipher enough to try and squash them.
I may have just placed an even bigger target on my back, one of my own doing with my reckless actions toward the dean herself, but I refuse to regret it. I won’t falter. I won’t show fear. I won’t roll over for them anymore. Not after they put my family’s safety in jeopardy. The same family that encourages me to take a calmer approach. My father’s words of wisdom tingle the edge of my mind, but I’m done listening to the sensible option right now.
A bell rings, announcing the start of my first class, and I curse under my breath, straightening before I head down the hallway. I don’t even make it to the corner to turn toward my classroom before I hear my name. The deep tone of a man makes me pause, but I quickly shake away my cloudy thoughts and turn to find Fairbourne heading toward me.
I can’t stop myself from peering around him to make sure Bozzelli isn’t also there, and I’m relieved to find him alone.
He nods for me to continue. “Let’s not hang around long enough for her to change her mind,” he mutters, falling into step beside me.
My eyebrows rise in question as I look up at him. He looks exhausted. The man needs a good night’s sleep. Multiple, if the bags under his eyes are anything to go by. He looks about as shitty as I feel.
“Change her mind on what?” I ask when he doesn’t immediately expand on his statement, earning a soft smile as he sighs.
“On letting us walk out of the damn office.”
“She can’t?—”
“She can do whatever she pleases, Addi. Her chances of receiving any repercussions are slim to none; don’t forget that,” he warns, uncertainty making his eyebrows furrow.
“Why did she call me in there to talk about Vallie? I acted in self-defense. Is Vallie going to get questioned about this too?” Anger vibrates through my veins as I keep my gaze locked straight ahead. The few students that fill the hallways step aside, clearly sensing the fuck off vibes that dance over my skin.
“I think we both already know the answer to that.” There’s a hint of humor in Fairbourne’s tone that catches me off guard. When I look at him, I find a huge grin stretching over his face, which is a stark contrast to the man who just followed me out of Bozzelli’s office. I tilt my head in question, and he takes the hint. “Of all the Reagans before you, I swear, that was the best show of defiance I’ve ever seen. If your father were here, his jaw would be dragging along the floor in awe,” he muses, making my heart skip a beat as I blink up at him.
“My father would likely give me a lecture about remaining calm and collected,” I correct, and he shakes his head.
“There’s a time and place for calm and collected, and there’s a time and place for strength and defiance. You definitely have the gift of understanding when each is needed.” I gape at him, speechless, as his words wash over me. “If you acted calm andcollected in that room, you would have given her the upper hand, something she’s had enough of, don’t you agree?”
I nod, still unable to find my tongue as we come to a stop outside the class I need to be in. My lips twist as I peer up at him, a glimmer of pride shimmering in his eyes, and I don’t know how to accept it. Distracting from the conversation, I redirect the topic to him.
“Do you want me to remove your kiss of death?”
His smile softens, no longer reaching his eyes as he shakes his head. “There will be a time and place for that too, and I don’t think this is it yet.”
“Soon,” I promise, and he nods.
“Soon.” He reaches a hand toward me in what almost looks like an attempt at an embrace, but I don’t move and he quickly retracts his arm. “Let me explain to the professor why you’re late so you don’t have any trouble,” he offers, turning on his heels and entering the room without a moment’s pause, leaving me to scurry in after him.
My mind is still whirling from his comments as my gaze lands on Raiden’s. The red cloak draped over his shoulders should be the only red flag I need with this guy, but it seems I have the ability to wave it away too easily.
“Are you okay?” he mouths, jaw tight as he rakes his eyes over the length of me a few times.
“I’m fine,” I grumble, reminding myself that I definitely still hate his ass. One single thought of Nora and my heart is tight and drenched in horror, reaffirming my feelings toward him.
Flora gives me a slight wave, and I remember that she has no idea of everything that’s happened in such a short span of time. It’s a conversation I’m not dreading either. I know she will be the support I need, but not until I’ve been the support she needs. I haven’t forgotten the beginning of the week and the weird vibe between her and Arlo.