Page 36 of The Hunt of Night
My lips twist as I turn toward Brody. I consider declining, but my feet move on their own as he pulls me along to the table.
He pulls out my usual chair between Kryll and Raiden before hurrying around to his spot. I glance back to look for Flora and Arlo, only to find them huddled close, talking about something as they wait for food.
Someone clears their throat and I turn back to the table, finding a plate piled high with pancakes, bacon, and maple syrup.
“Who expects me to eat all of this?”
“Have you eaten anything at all over the weekend?” Cassian grunts, pointing his fork at me accusingly.
“I’ve eaten,” I rasp, caught by surprise, but the nod he gives me tells me he doesn’t believe me.
When he doesn’t bark another question at me, I turn my attention to my plate and dive in. I can still feel them all looking at me, and I all but pray that I at least half look like I’m not faltering under their gazes.
“You’ve been avoiding us,” Kryll states when I place my cutlery down, having devoured half of the plate, I can’t stomach a single bite more.
I look up, catching sight of Flora and Arlo watching me intently. I was working so hard to avoid the distracting men around me that I didn’t even realize they had joined us.
Focus, Addi.
“Why is that?” Brody adds, eager for an answer.
I sigh. “Because I need a minute to think.”
“About what?” Raiden chimes in, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip as he quirks a brow at me.
“About whatever I want.”
“Which is?”
“None of your business,” I bite, unable to contain my irritation.
He growls, the sound low and deep, worming its way to my core as he rises to his feet. Anger vibrates through him, but itdoes nothing to shift the despair in his eyes. He stares down at me, eyebrows furrowing before he suddenly spins for the exit, storming off without a backward glance.
I watch him.
Every. Step.
Right up until he gets to the door and pauses.
My heart lurches in my chest as he turns just as suddenly as he stopped, marching back to me with purpose. I’m rooted to the spot, watching his strides until he’s right back in front of me. His hands slam down on the table with force, rattling the cutlery, and his eyes narrow on mine.
“Do you know how worried I was about you?”
I gape at him, keenly aware that there are more eyes on us than just those at our table.
“I’m going to take your silence as a no, but let me lay it out for you. Your friend, she told me I had to give you space, and I did, I fucking did, but here you are, with your damn sass, cold shoulder, and beautiful,beautifulface.”
His nostrils flare, his dark hair unkempt as he runs his fingers through the ends. My tongue is frozen in my mouth as my brain short-circuits, and before I can function at all, he waltzes around again, barreling toward the exit.
A mixture of emotions strike me.
The desire to race after him takes hold, but remembering seeing Nora in The Council’s grasp renders me motionless in my seat.
I look at Flora, a small glimmer of contentment blossoming in my gut as I nod, eager to take her offer.