Page 4 of The Hunt of Night
I’m certain he’s biting his tongue because if it was me who had spoken, he would be a snarling mound of fur and fangs. My sister, however, isn’t blessed with the same grace as I would have been. It’s almost impressive.
“Uh, follow me,” Brody offers, cutting through the silence as he steps down the hallway toward Cassian while I assume my position behind Nora’s wooden aid.
It feels nice pushing her, even though I know it drives her insane. It always has. She’s too independent for any of it, but I love to be needed, especially by her. Anything for her.
“Did you miss the part where I said I took out the security detail on him? I already know where he is. You don’t need to guide them,” Cassian snaps, shaking his head in disbelief, making Nora snort back a laugh.
“Which one is the guy causing you stress in your life?” she asks as I hurry us down the hall, ignoring the bickering coming from Brody and Cassian, and I scoff.
“Only one?”
She laughs, head thrown back and straight from her stomach.
“That sounds about right for you, Addi.”
She’s going to be the death of me.
I glare at the back of her head, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response.
Turning the corner, black wrought-iron bars come into view, outlining a row of five cells. Kryll and Raiden are waiting on theother side with four bodies at their feet while my father stands, mouth agape, in the center cell as he stares at Brody. The mage in question mutters a chant under his breath and after a few seconds, a clang echoes through the air from the cell door as it creaks open. Whatever magic was binding the steel closed is gone.
“Addi. Nora,” he breathes, rushing toward us.
I’m in his arms a moment later, feet swept off the floor as he pins me to his chest. I feel his fingers tremble at my back as I wrap my arms around him, taking the strength I know he’s offering before he slowly places me on the floor. He repeats the same motion with Nora, holding her tight and filling my heart with an overwhelming amount of love that only the two of them can offer me.
“Are you both okay?” he rasps, and when I turn to give him my full attention, I notice how drained he looks.
“We’re fine. What did they do to you?” I ask, taking a step toward him, and a defeated sigh passes his lips. “Dad,” I insist, knowing the look on his face all too well.
“I’ve been blessed with a gem,” he murmurs, pointing at his back, and I frown in confusion.
“An amethyst? Dad, you can?—”
“Not an amethyst, sunshine,” he explains, shaking his head slowly.Not an amethyst? What the fuck else is there?He must sense my impending question and slowly turns, revealing an aquamarine crystal penetrating his flesh.
“What does that do?”
“Addi,” he breathes, turning to face me with the most solemn look I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing in all of my life, and I’ve seen some looks.
“Dad. Spit it out.”
He shakes his head, peering at Nora.
“Dad, whatever it is, you can tell us,” she adds, proving the strength in her that so many tend to overlook.
His eyes continue to Brody, Kryll, Cassian, and Raiden, unsure whether to continue with them present or not, but their knowledge does nothing to the outcome of whatever that thing does.
“Just say it, Dad.”
“The curse of the aquamarine is controlled by a dragon. An Aeternus dragon that no longer exists. It renders me powerless unless one was to magically reappear in the Floodborn Kingdom to remove it from my flesh.”
Ican’t process what it is I’m feeling, my emotions myriad to the point of pain. My head. My chest. My heart. It seems life isn’t done throwing sucker punches my way just yet. Now even my father is a victim of the damn council.
It makes me angrier. At least when it was me, I had a fake semblance of control over the situation, but now that it’s him…the impossibility of his solution only leaves me helpless and spiraling.