Page 2 of Rock Hard
I screech and almost drop the metal bowl onto the floor when the phone rings. At four in the morning?
I right the bowl and wipe my fingers off on the dish towel beside the dish. I reach out with shaking fingers. I should just let the machine get it. Even as I think it, something pushes at me. A niggling want under the surface that has my heart rate skyrocketing.
“Hello?” I say with a soft voice, clearing my throat nervously. “Tricks and Treats. How may I help you?”
A rough, growling voice echoes down the quiet line. The room goes still and my head spins. “I need cake. What’s your best one?”
“Deep Dark Chocolate cake but I’m afraid that we’re all booked up for this Halloween. This is kind of last minute, you know.” I can hear the stiff challenge in my voice even as I try to put the phone down.
“For future reference, you should order your Halloween goodies at least two weeks in advance if you want to make sure that the bakery has time to get your order ready.”
He grunts and it’s like a huge boulder moving. I swear I hear the earth shift under me like this man is gathering momentum. Like a boulder moving downhill, accelerating until it gets too close to move out of its path.
“I can’t do that. I-I’m only in town for one day a year.”
Huh. That’s weird. “Even if you’re not in town, you can place an order online or over the phone,” I insist. I take a metal baking pan and place my signature peachy liners in the pan. Then I place my phone down and hit speaker.
I pick up the spoon and begin filling the cupcake liners. “I’ve got some Devil’s Food Cupcakes that are new and you could try them.”
He growls and I almost drop the spoon on the ground, shuddering when the sound rolls over me. My body is on fire and I start to wonder if I’m getting sick. My belly flips and my eyes close.
“No. Ineedthat cake. I will pay triple what you usually charge. And I’ll add in a hefty two hundred dollar bonus just for your trouble.”
I drop the spatula on the ground and stare at the phone. “You must be joking.”
“I am not. It has to be today.”
My mind is racing and I run through all the things I have to do today to get ready for this crazy open-air ball in the square.
“I suppose that I could try. I’m not making any promises because this is very last minute.”
“Don’t try. Just do it. I’ll be there at six tonight. The sun is going down then and that’s when I’m most mobile.”
My eyes widen. “What?”
“I’ll see you later tonight.” He hangs up the phone and I’m left staring at it. Then my phone dings and I see that I’ve received a website payment for Deep Dark Chocolate Cake from a Granite Zephyr.
I shake my head and finish the cupcakes, placing them in the oven and setting the timer. I turn and wash my hands and start grabbing ingredients for the cake but I’m still sneaking peeks at that order. The amount of money he paid is huge! For a cake?
But it’s the name that really catches my eye. Such a strange name. And there’s something familiar and yet foreign about it.
Like I’ve met him before. How weird is that?
Couldn’t be.
But I’ll meet him later tonight and then I’ll know for sure if we’ve met . And hopefully the strange fire that’s heating up my core will have cooled and I can think clearly.
But as I begin preparations, that gravelly voice rolls through my mind and my body is overcome with shivers of anticipation, my belly flipping like I’m on a roller coaster perched at the top and facing a huge drop, staring into the abyss.
This Halloween seems like it’s about to have some very strange surprises waiting for me.
Ican’t stop staring at the picture on her website. She’s beautiful. Emerald green eyes that sparkle with laughter and blond curls lit with fiery red highlights glowing with life. I can’t tell from the picture but the image I have in my mind is full of curves like a winding road and she’s tiny. Oh, so tiny compared to my seven foot frame.
I’m not the biggest gargoyle out there. We’re big guys on the whole but I feel like I will tower over this temptress. My body aches with urges unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and my loin cloth keeps jerking when my dick hardens even further than it’s been since I heard her sweet voice on the phone.