Page 36 of Cyborg's Tether
She blinked, disoriented by the abrupt end to their kiss. She followed Xavier’s gaze down the tunnel and gasped. In the distance, a faint glow flickered against the stone walls.
“Light... But from where?”
His stance shifted to become tense and alert. “It could be another exit, or a trap.”
She nodded. “We should investigate, but cautiously. If it is a way out, we need to get back to the others quickly to guide them back here.”
They crept forward, moving as silently as possible. As they drew closer to the source of the light, she could make out the distinct smell of fresh air mingling with the stale mine atmosphere. Her mouth was dry.
Finally, they reached a bend in the tunnel. He held up a hand, signaling her to wait. He peered around the corner, clearly using his enhanced vision to scan for any signs of danger. After a tense moment, he relaxed slightly. “It’s an opening. Looks like part of the tunnel collapsed, creating a gap to the surface. It’s narrow, but we should be able to get everyone through.”
She let out a ragged exhalation of relief. “That’s the best news we’ve had in days. We need to go back and get the others.”
He nodded in agreement. They turned and began retracing their steps, moving as quickly as they dared through the dark tunnel. Her mind raced with plans and possibilities. They’d need to be cautious emerging from the mine, uncertain of what awaited them on the surface, but the promise of escape, of fresh air and open sky, bolstered her flagging energy.
As they neared the area where they’d left Dr. Vex and the other cyborgs, she slowed her pace. “We should approachcarefully,” she whispered to Xavier. “In case anything’s happened while we were gone.”
Xavier’s cybernetic eye pulsed softly as he looked ahead. “I’m not detecting any signs of disturbance, but stay alert.”
They rounded the final bend and found Dr. Vex kneeling beside one of the rescued cyborgs, adjusting something in his circuitry. She looked up as they approached, relief evident on her face. “You’re back. Did you find anything?”
Amaya nodded with a small smile. “We did. There’s an opening to the surface about half a kilometer from here. It’s our best chance at getting out of these mines.”
A murmur of hope rippled through the group of cyborgs. Kiran, the former pilot, spoke up. “How far to the surface? Some of us are barely operational.”
“It’s not far,” said Xavier. “We’ll help those who are struggling, but we need to move quickly. We don’t know how long this opportunity will last.”
Dr. Vex stood, brushing mine dust from her clothes. “Let’s not waste any more time. How do you want to do this, Amaya?”
Amaya surveyed the group, assessing their condition. “We’ll move in pairs. Each stronger cyborg supports one of the weaker ones. Xavier, you take point. I’ll bring up the rear to make sure no one falls behind. Dr. Vex, can you stay in the middle and monitor everyone’s status while we go?”
Nods of agreement passed through the group. With practiced efficiency, they began to pair up and prepare for the journey. As the last pair got into position, Amaya caught Xavier’s gaze. She inclined her head, and he nodded.
“All right,” she said with quiet authority. “Stay close, stay quiet, and remember, we’re almost there. You can do this.”
With Xavier leading the way, the group began their cautious journey toward the promise of freedom. Amaya took up her position at the rear, alert for any sign of pursuit or danger. Thefaint glow of natural light grew stronger as they approached the opening Xavier and Amaya had discovered. With each step, the air became fresher, carrying the scent of wind and open spaces. It was a tantalizing promise of the world that awaited them beyond the confines of the mine.
As they neared the exit, Amaya called for a halt. “Wait here,” she said to the group. “Xavier and I’ll check to make sure it’s safe before we all go out.”
He nodded in agreement, and together, they crept forward to the opening. She held her breath as they peered out into the world beyond. The sky was a deep indigo, suggesting it was near dawn or dusk. One of the moons was a sliver, and the other was nonexistent at this angle. Dense foliage surrounded the area, providing potential cover but also possible hiding places for enemies.
“What do you think?” she whispered to Xavier.
He scanned the area, his cybernetic eye pulsing as it processed data. “I’m not detecting any immediate threats, but we should move quickly and find better shelter. We’re too exposed here.”
She agreed and turned back to the group waiting anxiously in the tunnel. “Okay, everyone. We’re going to exit one at a time. Stay low and move to the tree line as fast as you can. Xavier will guide you to a safe spot. I’ll make sure everyone gets out.”
One by one, the cyborgs emerged from the mine, blinking in the fading light. Amaya watched as they made their way to the cover of the trees, her tension easing slightly with each successful crossing. Finally, only she and Dr. Vex remained in the tunnel.
“Ready?” asked Amaya.
Dr. Vex nodded, squaring her shoulders. “Let’s finish this.”
They stepped out into the open air, the cool breeze a shock after the stagnant atmosphere of the mine. Amaya took a deepbreath, savoring the moment of freedom despite the danger that still surrounded them.
Chapter 14—Xavier
XAVIER’S ENHANCED VISIONpierced through the dust and debris as the two women at last emerged from the mine. The moment of relief was short-lived as he detected multiple heat signatures surrounding them. “Amaya, Dr. Vex, stay close.”