Page 5 of Cyborg's Tether
Xavier’s tactical systems calculated their options as he sprinted down the corridor. “What is the containment protocol?”
“We need to reach the main control room,” she said, sounding strained. “From there, we can initiate an emergency shutdown sequence.”
As they rounded a corner, he detected a figure running toward them from the opposite direction. His combat subroutines activated, identifying potential threats and escape routes. The figure came into better view—a young woman with short dark hair and a determined expression. She skidded to a stop, her eyes widening at the sight of Xavier.
“Who are you?” she asked with a slight stammer as her gaze darted between Xavier and Dr. Vex. “Why are you carrying Dr. Vex?”
“I’m Xavier, newly converted cyborg warrior,” he said. “We need to reach the main control room immediately.”
The woman’s pupils narrowed, and she took a step forward. “I’m Amaya Kaffey, cybertech specialist,” she said to him before looking at the doctor. “What’s happening?”
Dr. Vex squirmed in Xavier’s grasp, and he gently set her down. “The quantum stabilizer in Lab Seven has gone critical,” she said quickly. “We need to initiate the emergency shutdown sequence before it tears a hole in reality.”
Amaya’s expression shifted from suspicion to determination. “I can help. I’ve been working on the stabilizer’s neural interface. Follow me.”
Without waiting for a response, Amaya turned and sprinted down an adjacent corridor. Xavier and Dr. Vex exchanged a quick glance before following.
As they ran, his enhanced senses picked up every detail of their surroundings. The subtle vibrations in the floor, the fluctuations in the emergency lighting, and the increasing temperature all pointed to a rapidly deteriorating situation. “How long do we have?” he asked, his voice steady despite the urgency.
Amaya glanced back, her expression grim. “Based on the energy readings I saw before the alarms went off, maybe ten minutes before total containment failure.”
They reached a sealed door, and Amaya pressed her palm against a biometric scanner. The door hissed open, revealing a narrow maintenance shaft.
“This will take us directly to the control room,” she said, already climbing into the cramped space. “It’s a snug fit, but it’s faster than navigating the main corridors.”
Dr. Vex followed without hesitation, but Xavier paused, his massive frame ill-suited for the confined space. His tactical systems ran probability calculations, weighing the risks of separation against the time saved.
“I’ll meet you there. My size would only slow you down in there.”
Amaya nodded, her expression revealing both relief and concern. “Take the next left, then two rights. The control room is at the end of that corridor. Hurry.”
As the maintenance shaft sealed behind them, he turned and sprinted down the hallway. His cybernetic legs propelled him forward at inhuman speed, covering ground faster than any organic being could manage. Even in the midst of the chaos, it was exhilarating to perform well beyond his best previous limits.
He followed the technicians directions, the warrior in him exhilarated by the challenge, but a part of him—the part that was still firmly rooted in what he could remember from his organic past—had a flicker of fear. Not for himself, but for the others in the facility. For Dr. Vex and Amaya, who had willingly put themselves in danger to save others.
As he approached the control room, his audio receptors picked up the sound of a struggle. He burst through the door to find three security officers engaged in combat with a group of unknown assailants.
Without hesitation, he leapt into the fray. His cybernetic arm transformed into the plasma cannon, and he fired a warning shot over the attackers’ heads.
“Stand down,” he commanded, his voice amplified by his internal systems. “This facility is about to be destroyed. We must evacuate immediately.”
The attackers hesitated, clearly caught off-guard by Xavier’s imposing presence. In that moment of distraction, the security officers managed to subdue them.
“Who are they?” asked Xavier of the lead officer, scanning the captured intruders with his cybernetic eye.
“Industrial spies,” said the officer, securing the last of the attackers. “They’ve been trying to steal our research for months. Looks like they took advantage of the chaos to make their move.”
Before Xavier could respond, the maintenance shaft entrance slid open, and Amaya emerged, followed closely by Dr. Vex. Both women looked disheveled but determined.
“We need to get to the main console,” said Amaya, her eyes widening at the scene before her. “What happened here?”
“No time to explain,” said Xavier, gesturing toward the central control panel. “We have more pressing concerns.”
Dr. Vex rushed to the console, tapping the holographic interface. “The quantum stabilizer’s containment field is at twelve percent and falling,” she said, her voice hoarse with tension. “We need to initiate the shutdown sequence now.”
Amaya joined her at the console, her expertise evident in the way she navigated the complex systems. “I’m rerouting emergency power to the containment field. It should buy us a few more seconds.”
Xavier stood guard, his enhanced senses ready for any further threats. As he watched the two women work, he admired their efficiency and courage. In his previous life as a pure organic warrior, he might have dismissed their efforts as futile in the face of such danger, but now, integrated with advanced technology himself, he recognized the power of their knowledge and skill.