Page 7 of Cyborgs' Origins
Tiberius shot his second-in-command a withering look, but the corners of his mouth twitched ever so slightly, betraying his stoic facade.
TIBERIUS WALKED DOWNthe reinforced hallway, his mind still buzzing with thoughts of their run-in with the kra’va. The aroma from the feast lingered even days later, a rich blend of roasted meat and earthy herbs that had filled their makeshift dining hall. He glanced at his watch. It was nearly noon.
His comm unit buzzed to life. “Tiberius? This is Simone,” she said in an excited voice.
“Dr. Wiley?” he asked as he adjusted his rifle strap instinctively while quickening his pace toward her lab.
“I need to show you something immediately,” she said breathlessly. He could hear footsteps hurriedly in motion through her speaker feed before ending abruptly, and then nothing but static cut off communication midsentence.
He was nearly jogging now until reaching another steel door marked simply LAB 7, where sounds within hinted chaotic activity happening inside. He pushed open its heavy frame to reveal Simone.
Tiberius hurried to the lab, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and concern. As he pushed open the door, he found Simone hunched over a holographic interface, her eyes bright with excitement.
“Tiberius,” she greeted, a wide grin spreading across her face. “I’ve made a breakthrough with the biocircuit. If I can figure it out, it could propel our research years ahead in just days.”
Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Tiberius felt a surge of pride for Simone’s dedication to their shared mission. He moved closer to get a better look at the holographic schematics dancing in the air.
Simone gestured animatedly, her fingers manipulating the hologram with deft precision as she explained her findings. “The biocircuit has this remarkable adaptability, Tiberius. It can integrate seamlessly with organic matter, mimicking and enhancing its functionality. If we can harness its potential, we could revolutionize cybernetic advancements.”
As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with an intensity that matched the flickering hologram before them. Tiberius marveled at her passion and brilliance, feeling a surge of admiration for her relentless pursuit of knowledge.
“Imagine the possibilities,” she continued, her voice vibrant with excitement. “Enhanced prosthetics, neuro-synaptic interfaces, even advanced sensory feedback for cyborgs. This could change everything.”
Tiberius nodded in agreement, his mind racing with the implications of Simone’s discovery. The potential for integrating the biocircuit into their existing technology was staggering. It could redefine the capabilities of their cybernetic enhancements and offer new opportunities for collaboration between humans and cyborgs.
As Simone delved into the intricate details of her breakthrough, Tiberius marveled at her expertise and dedication to their shared cause. Her relentless pursuit of scientific advancement and her commitment to improving the lives of both humans and cyborgs left him in awe.
He was glad she was their lead researcher. Her passion and determination were good for their mission on Durmox C7, and Tiberius was deeply grateful for her dedication.
With each passing moment, as Simone’s words painted a vivid picture of their future possibilities, Tiberius felt a growing sense of optimism and renewed purpose. The prospect of harnessing the biocircuit’s potential to bridge the gap between humans and cyborgs ignited a spark of hope within him.
Together, they could usher in a new era of collaboration and progress, one that transcended the boundaries of fear and misunderstanding that had long divided their worlds.
As Simone continued to unravel the intricacies of her breakthrough, Tiberius was struck by the sheer magnitude of her intellect and vision. She was more than just a brilliant scientist.
Tiberius was leaning closer, his gaze locked with Simone’s. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t pull away. The air seemed to crackle with an electric tension, drawing them together like opposite poles of a magnet.
For a fleeting moment, Tiberius allowed himself to entertain the thought of closing the distance between them. His eyes flickered to Simone’s lips, full and inviting, and he imagined how they might feel against his own.
But just as quickly as the impulse arose, he tamped it down, reining in his wayward thoughts. He was a professional, a soldier, and such indulgences were unacceptable—especially with someone as important as Simone.
Clearing his throat, Tiberius took a step back, creating a respectable distance between them once more. “You should get back to your research,” he said, his voice gruff but steady. “Your work is invaluable to the colony’s success.”
Simone blinked, as if emerging from a trance. A faint flush crept up her neck, coloring her cheeks a delicate shade of pink. “Of course,” she said, her fingers toying with the edge of the data pad she still clutched.
Tiberius turned on his heel, striding toward the exit with purposeful steps. As he reached the door, he paused, his hand hovering over the control panel. Without looking back, he spoke again, his tone softer than before. “Let me know if you require any assistance, Simone.”
With that, he stepped through the doorway, letting it slide shut behind him. Once in the corridor, he exhaled slowly, his shoulders sagging ever so slightly as the tension bled from his frame.
What had come over him back there? He was a seasoned warrior, hardened by years of combat and sacrifice. Yet, in Simone’s presence, he was teetering on the edge of vulnerability, his carefully constructed defenses threatening to crumble.
Shaking his head, Tiberius pushed the unsettling thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. He had a colony to protect, a mission to fulfill. Personal entanglements were a luxury he couldn’t afford, no matter how alluring the temptation.
With renewed determination, he set off down the corridor, his boots echoing against the metal floor with each decisive stride.
DAYS PASSED, AND TIBERIUSwas drawn back to Lab 7 time and again, each visit fueled by a different pretext. Sometimes it was to discuss security protocols or resource allocation, other times to seek Simone’s input on a particular challenge they faced.
Yet, no matter the ostensible reason, Tiberius couldn’t deny the undercurrent of anticipation that thrummed through his veins whenever he stepped into the lab. Simone’s presence was a magnetic force, pulling him in with an intensity he couldn’t quite comprehend.