Page 52 of Black Heart
I close my eyes, knowing I’ll be chasing sleep long into the night. In the darkness, I strain my ears, listening for any sound that might signal trouble. But all I hear is the steady rhythm of Kaden’s footsteps, pacing back and forth, keeping watch over me.
The wind howls outside my window.
I turn to my side, tucking deeper under my covers and shivering against a sudden gust that slips through the cracks.
A warning growl sounds near my face, and in a flash of panic, my eyes snap open and I see that Reaper’s made herselfat home on the empty side of my bed, bringing her babies along with her and burrowing under my covers, too.
Reaper’s eyes are open and staring at me with a ferocity that’s disconcerting, as if she’s trying to warn me about something.
I’m shaken out of our staring contest by a sudden crack of thunder. Almost instantly, the sliver of light under my door leading into the hallway flickers and dies.
I lift onto my elbow, lurching over the cat where my bedside lamp is. My fingers fumble in the pitch-black for a switch, but even after several fruitless seconds of twisting, no comforting light dispels the overwhelming darkness.
“Kaden?” I call out, trying to keep my voice steady.
No response.
Another deafening clap of thunder makes me jump. I decide to brave the inky blackness and crawl out of bed toward the door. But before I can touch the knob, it swings open.
I yelp, stumbling back. A sharp hiss from Reaper warns me not to move another muscle, but the fear of her claws in my flesh is nothing compared to the massive form with glowing, neon green eyes blocking any escape route in front of me.
“Stay calm,” Kaden commands behind his mask. “The storm’s taken out the power grid.”
“No shit,” I retort with more courage than I actually feel. “What now? And what happened to your all-clear signal before you come in?”
I don’t need to see his face to envision his wry expression when he intones, “It’s not all clear.”
Then he moves. Quick and efficient, he crosses the room to my window and pulls down the blinds, blocking out the flashes of lightning.
“Security systems are down. We’ll have to double up for the night.”
“Double up?” I stammer, still half-reeling from his sudden intrusion.
Despite the threat of a power outage, another form of anticipation begins to prickle under my skin.
Kaden nods curtly. “In here. It’s safer.”
“In my bedroom?” I finally manage to get out.
I don’t miss the weighted expectation that follows his reply or the stiffness in his tone.
Kaden, in my bedroom? The very concept raises a myriad of unarticulated feelings—dread, excitement, curiosity—all jumbled and fighting for attention within me.
But somewhere, buried deep beneath this tumultuous medley, there is an undeniable sense of relief.
I don’t want to endure this black-out alone.
“Are you, um, going to keep your Scythe mask on?” I ask, horrified at the high pitch to my voice.
“I see.” I swallow down the panic threatening to rise in my throat. “And where would you like to sleep? The chair? The floor?”
He keeps his neon-rimmed eyes trained on me, unmoving. “The bed.”
In bed with me?I think, my thoughts turning slightly manic.