Page 30 of Beastly Armory
“And you, Miss Von Dovish?”
He seems offended but opens his palm toward the sofa and chairs surrounding the fireplace. “That’ll be all, slave.” My body cringes as he addresses the woman who showed us in, and she turns to leave the way we came. But Strauss tuts his tongue. “No, I think I’ll have you practice tonight. Upstairs with you now. Bring slave three with you.” The woman nods, always looking down, and walks to the stairs along the far wall. “Now, shall we? Unless… Mr. Freidenberg would like a taste of my slave for an appetizer?”
Every time he says the word, my insides jostle, and I can tell Max’s ire is building as well. Yes, the rest of us inthe city are used to illegal trade. The Von Dovishes have dealt in hallucinogens for years. The computer stores make good fronts for us. Freidenbergs always had their weapons. Donovans, their gambling. But dealing people… it makes me sick. Part of me understands Strauss set up this scene to infuriate the bear, put him on tilt. The other part knows he’s just a monster.
“Sit, sit. Please, make yourselves comfortable.” I don’t want to, but we sit. Max and I glance at each other. “It’s good to see young lovers back together again after so long.”
“We’re not lovers,” I say.
“Oh? How odd. Well, nonetheless, youngfriendsback together then.” Vlad smiles at Max, his hollow cheeks becoming bonier as he does so. “So you’ve not tasted her?”
Yes, he’s definitely goading Max. Lion does well, though, and says only, “I’m here for my business licenses. For the car wash, car shop, and motorcycle repair. Just those three will do. I understand there’s a price, and I’m willing to pay ten percent, like my ancestors have done.”
He did well. I’m impressed.
“Oh. Yes, that makes good sense. I like that arrangement. Fine, fine. Yes, you should have your family businesses back. Now that all your family is dead, I mean.” Max gristles, and I put my hand next to his thigh. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Vlad. “Her blood is the best thing I’ve had in my mouth in quite some time.” Max turns to look at my face. My eyes dart to his to tell him to maintain his composure.
“The business licenses?” I ask, keeping the subject on track.
Vlad stands. “So eager to talk about paperwork.” He sighs dramatically. “How boring. I’m dying just as much as he is, Miss Von Dovish, to get a taste of your cunt.” Max grips my thigh protectively. Vlad turns his eyes to him and smirks. “I’m sure it’s more potent when she doesn’t want it sampled. Wanna see?”
Max stands and places his body somewhat in front of me. “I want to talk about getting those licenses. You said you agree to ten percent.Thatis the reason I’m here.”
“Yes, Mr. Freidenberg. I hear you… Let’s shake on it, shall we?” Strauss stands in front of the fireplace and holds out his slender hand to Max. The lion stalks toward him carefully and takes his hand. Before they can shake, however, Strauss lowers his arm. “Only… there’s just one thing I want before I agree.” He turns in a circle, then back to us. “Actually!” He laughs. “Forgive me, there’retwothings I want before I agree.”
Max glances at me. “Yes?”
“Yes. I wanther”—he points at me with a long finger—“to suck my cock.”
My mouth falls open at the same time Max almost yells, “No. Not going to happen.”
Vlad smiles, as if he’s got us.Fuck. “Relax, relax. You look tense.” He puts a hand on Max’s shoulder and squeezes. Max takes a fighting stance, his fists at the ready. “Ifshewon’t, then you can.”
“What?” I ask before I can keep my composure.
Max is frozen, except for his eyes, which narrow.
“If you’re not going to suck it, he can. Sadly, it doesn’t suck itself.” Vlad smiles broadly at first me, then Max. “I mean, if you want those business licenses. I’dloveto have a Freidenberg on his knees in front of me.”
There’s a thick silence in the room for at least two minutes. “I’ll suck you off,” I say eventually.
“No!” Max’s face is red.
“Hmm… we seem to have a problem. Okay! I’ve got it! I have a solution.” Vlad wanders over to a large plush red chair, then sits, crossing one ankle over his knee. “I want to see the fox blow the bear.”
Max’s eyes dart to mine at the same time I look at him. “Okay, I’ll do it,” I say, watching his face. It softens from fear into concern.
Max walks the two steps to me and threads his fingers through my hair, putting his face in front of mine. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Yes, I do.”
“This should be fun!” Vlad says and claps loudly. He leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. Max studies my face. “Well? Get started. On your knees, girl. Show a man what a woman’s mouth was made for.”
Max’s eyebrows raise, as if asking a question. I nod slowly. He dips his chin to seek out my lips, but I turn from him. This is a job. I don’t have to enjoy it. And I don’t want to make it a connection. Just like Duke and Janna. Or anyone else I’ve slept with. For information. For safety. For some tangible good I couldn’t get. That’s what this is and nothing more. At least, that’s what I keep repeating in my head.
I run a hand down Max’s chest and push him back slightly. He’s still got that reverent look on his face, but it seems more fearful than anything. His hands make grabbing motions as if he’s reaching for me, but knows I’ll just push him away. Because I will.