Page 35 of Beastly Armory
“I just need some cardio,I think.”
“Mr. Freidenberg? There’s a lady here to see you.” Quieter, the butler adds, “A Miss Von Dovish, sir.”
I smile. So maybe she did come through. Still didn’t call, though.
“Send her down.”
Derichs chuckles under his breath.
“You. You’ve got it bad for this bitch. I don’t blame you. She’s definitely… Well, she’s not hard on the eyes.” He finishes his cup of water, and I watch the stairs to see if she’s coming down. “But Max?” He waits until my eyes turn to meet his cocked eyebrow. “She’s a Von Dovish, a sly fox. Just keep that in mind.”
I nod. I know. I don’t trust her. I can’t. I just want to get inside her. To kiss her, fuck her until she’s addicted. Until she’s such a fiend for my dick, she’ll do anything I tell her. Until she submits. My cock twitches at the thought.
And the stupid part of my brain wants her for more. But that’s the part I try not to pay any attention to.
Her footsteps resound on the stone steps. As she enters, my dick thickens. There she is again, showcasing her perfect ass in tight leggings. Our eyes meet, and I stop breathing for a moment, but notice her chest doesn’t move, either.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey.” Derichs starts to stand, but I stop him. “No, you relax. Drink your water.”
“How’s the invalid?”
“I’m doing okay. Thanks to your healer.” He smiles shyly. “And you. Thanks to you, too.”
“Of course.” She nods, turning her face back to mine. “Um, I have the meeting info.” She darts her eyes to Derichs.
“Yeah? Tell me.” I want my tank to know what’s going on.
“Friday. In Appleton City. He obviously wants us to come alone. Just you and me.”
“Lavinio Merli. They call him ‘The Ear.’ I think he likes to take them as souvenirs.”
“Well, that’s promising.” I inhale deeply, not liking the sound of this at all. “Okay. Just you and me. My man’s not in top shape yet anyway. What do you think The Ear wants in return?”
“I don’t know. But I know he likes handguns. And supposedly has a lot.”
“Would we be running them forhimor for ourselves?”
“I guess that’s what the meeting will determine.” She looks around the room. “You sparring?”
“Yeah. You wanna have a go?”
A corner of her thick lips lift, and her cheeks flush. It’s probably the closest to a genuine smile that I’ve seen from her. “You think you can take me?”
I snort. “Foxy, I’ve been doing this for a long time. Went to prison for it, too.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“I saw you fight.”
My mouth hangs open. “Yousawme?”