Page 47 of Beastly Armory
With some effort, I get myself to a standing position, narrowing my gaze as he casually glances at me over his shoulder. “She asked you a question, my man. Where are the ears? That’s all we need from you.” It isn’t, but I’ll put him at ease before I lay him to rest.
The guy makes a motion to run, but I grab him from behind in a bear hug. Before I realize, he pulls out a blade from his wrist and repeatedly jabs at my chest. I let go of him, not even sensing the small cuts. Fear and rage rush through my veins like opiates. When he twists, though, he gets in deeper jabs with the sharp instrument.
Stumbling back, I look down… he’s stabbed me. A few times. I clutch at the wounds, which start to ooze like ink through the black shirt covering it. Ken continues to move with my body, striking out with his blade while I ward off his attacks by holding up my cut arms. Reaching around his neck, I squeeze, but one of my tendons is loose, unable to assist. As my legs go weak, he falls with me, that fucking knife pointing straight at the center of my chest.
As he raises it above his head for a final blow to my heart, a thunderous pop shatters the silence through the room. My ears deafen, filling with cotton. The necro’s body falls on top of mine as we collapse to the floor together. I’m tired. Just want to go back to that blackness and get some rest.
Before I do, Livia’s peeling the dead guy off me. “Get the fuck up, lion. Get the fuck up.” Everything is so heavy, but she tugs on my arm, then by my dress shirt. Squatting low, she tries to get me to sit up.
“Where’d you get the gun?” My voice sounds far away. Even speaking is a chore I’d rather not do.
“From that room they put me in. Now come on before they get down here. We need to find the ears. Theyhave to be in his room or something. Move your ass, lion. Go!”
Pulling me to my knees, she leans her body under my shoulder, helping me stumble to a standing position. “You could have shot me.”
She smirks, and I want to kiss her fucking lips right off her face. “Yeah, but I changed my mind and shot him instead.” Livia leans me against the wall and walks back to the bloody body oozing all over the stone floor.
“No, let me do it.” I’m starting to slump, my knees shaking like they’re made of jelly. She doesn’t need to see this.
“I got it.” She picks up the knife from the necro and starts sawing off his ear like it’s just another Tuesday. “Shit!”
Glancing up at me with her golden eyes, she hesitates, then says, “This is harder than I thought.”
Heaving my body off the cinderblocks, I snag the blade from her hand. “As I said.” With a quick flick and thrust, I rip the ear from his head, a string of skin snagging as if not letting go without a fight. Eventually, I tear it enough so I can pull it loose and shove the whole thing in my pocket. With the necro’s lab coat, I clean up what blood I can from my hands, then use my belt to hold the blade in case I need it later. “Let’s go.”
Hobbling behind her, we make our way through the wide concrete tunnels of the lower floor beneath the casino. Red lights flash from cameras in everycorner. It’s only a matter of time before we get caught. I’m sure Ace will finish the job himself if he sees me.
“Here.” Livia shoves her shoulder against a gray metal door almost the entire way down the dark corridor. It’s unlocked. “Echoes says this is the necro area.”
Walking into the white-tiled room feels like stepping into a refrigerator. One wall has a bank of gleaming body coolers, but to cozy up the place, there’s a human incinerator near the back. In the middle is a stainless-steel slab. Fortunately, it’s empty.
“He’d keep them frozen, right?” Livia darts around the room like a squirrel, diving into every locker and crevice she can find. Involuntarily, my knees give, so I lean against the wall, gripping my wounds to slow some of the bleeding. The world is fading in front of my eyes, with every blink getting slower and longer to recover from. “Wait! Here!” Her excitement wakes me from a short slumber, a snort arousing me further.
Livia points to a small white door underneath a large vent. Using the table in the middle of the room, I lumber toward her and enter a small apartment. With a shoulder resting against the door frame, I watch as she overthrows the mattress, bedding, dresser, and kitchen supplies, silverware clanking against the floor as it scatters.
“Foxy.” Snapping my fingers, I point to the mini fridge covered by a tapestry and microwave.
Scrunching her adorable face, she looks at me with disgust. “Ew, don’t you think he kept food in there?”
I shrug as she bends over to look inside. The sight of hertight ass protruding through her jeans makes me feel healed already. Maybe I will live another day. If I want inside of it, to mark it, to deposit my cum in it, I’ll have to push on.
“Gross. Let’s go.” She tosses a large plastic baggie at me. Catching it, I peek at its contents. Yep. We got the goods: a clear bag filled with ears of varying skin colors and sizes. I really don’t want to see a tiny one. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the fresh part and add it to the others.
Before we can leave, both of us halt. Loud shouting echoes down the hall as footsteps sprint toward us. As if it’s done pumping all the blood out, my pulse doesn’t even escalate. Scanning the room, I don’t see any cameras, but security had to have seen us come in. “Shit,” I curse.
Livia hurries to a body cooler and opens it. A white sheeted stiff lies on the metal tray. “Get in.”
“No way.”
She grimaces, and her eyes get so big, I can see the whites surrounding the entire honey iris. I’ve seen this look before when she would threaten me not to make a sound while playing hide-and-seek after finding her hiding spots. Foxy would pull me down with her and tell me to stay quiet or she’d kick my shins in. “Get the fuck in! Or we’re dead.”
Squeezing my eyes closed, I hurdle myself onto the cold, hard body, laying on top of it. My aching fingers grip the edges of the cloth, attempting to wrap myself until I do a decent job. Livia shoves my tomb closed with a clang of finality as darkness surroundsme and I feel like I’m being raptured home. A chill permeates every pore of my skin, the person lying underneath me providing no comfort. Each wound I sustained slowly transforms from tender to numb. And despite the fact I’m cuddling with a cadaver, it’s peaceful. Perhaps I should just stay here until my heart becomes one with the dead.
Nah, I gotta kill Strauss before I die. And give Arianna the home she deserves.
And put my dick inside Livia.