Page 50 of Beastly Armory
“Oh?” This half surprises me.
“Yeah, got my boys to run it all over the city. Seems to be working out that way.” Finishing up his sorting, he turns back to face me, crossing his legs and arms as he leans against a workbench to light up a cigarette. Taking a big drag in, he says, “Strauss’s guys can’t keep up with our bikes.”
Licking my bottom lip, I force myself to tell him the truth. “That’s smart.” And it is. I just hate that the idea and work ethic came from him.
Blowing out smoke, then following it with his eyes, he surmises, “Smart enough to earn a date with Arianna Freidenberg?”
This guy has steel balls. Part of me wants to whip outmy blade and cut him right here. Just one long trip across his fucking throat, but he’s good. He just sold our entire inventory faster than anyone. I need him, and he knows it. “What’s your interest in my little sister?”
“I’ve gotten to know her over the last few weeks.” Squeezing his eyes to be almost non-existent, he nods his head to Jakob over my left shoulder and stamps out his cigarette on the ground. “He can attest. Never laid a fucking finger on her. I wouldn’t. But we understand each other. I’m into her.” He swallows, and it’s the first time I see a hint of vulnerability, his clear blue eyes finally meeting mine solidly. “A lot.”
“Hate to tell you, son, but you understand we live in Gnarled Pine, right? She’s a Freidenberg, and you’re…not someone she can be with. So, if you can’t marry her and make her respectable, that means you only have vulgar intentions.” My hands are on my hips like I’m the warden, but really, I’m ready to fucking hit him at the slightest provocation.
His large shoulders shrug. “No. I want to show her a different world. One where anyone can be with anyone they choose. That’s what I want.”
Shaking my head, a sarcastic chuckle escapes, letting him know what he’s saying is a complete joke. “My answer is no.” Walking toward the garage door, I turn to him one last time. “And keep your distance.”
When I get in the car with Jakob, Arianna twists in the passenger seat and bounces with energy. “I don’t understand why you’re so rude to him. He’s a good man.”
Catching her childlike gaze, I tell her firmly. “Arianna, I don’t want you coming over here again.”
“That’s final.” I eye Jakob in the rearview mirror and his bald head nods once, taking the words as his command.
As I gun the engine and head toward the manor, Arianna’s little shoulders shake as she sobs. Jakob hands her a handkerchief, which she uses to blot at her eyes and blow her nose loudly. I can’t stand her tears, and I know she’s been through a lot, but she can’t be with someone like Wyatt. “It’s for the best, Ari. He’s not good enough for you.”
Long brunette hair flips around wildly as she glares at me across the car. “Whoisgood enough, Maxi?”
My hands grip the steering wheel tighter. If I could take away her pain, I would. “No one, but definitely not him.”
Her jaw flops open in outrage. “Shouldn’t I be the judge of that?”
“Arianna, you didn’t have Papa and Mama telling you about these things. It’s up to me to guide you, to look out for you.” Calum Von Dovish pops into my mind. Perhaps he could…nah. The man’s a pacifist, and I think he may be going mad. We should eat dinner with them, though. It would give me the opportunity to scope things out between the two. See if they hit it off.
Throwing hands up dramatically, she cries, “I’ll die an old maid!”
“No, you won’t. I will find someone suitablefor you.” She settles back in her seat, crossing her arms and not daring to look in my direction again. Lavinio called me his son; it’s too bad he doesn’t have one for Arianna. Gnarled Pine Hollow is too small for us.
Before my young sister gets hitched, I need to get started on making “cubs,” as Livia called them, continuing the legacy. Thinking about impregnating the little fox makes my dick thicken inside my jeans.
Speaking of, as we pull through the gates and to the house, a familiar Aston Martin Victor shines in the sunlight, parked near the fountain. Leaning against the driver’s door is the dark seductress, looking like pure sin and pleasure. My heart rate picks up at the sight of her.
Arianna leaps out of the car and runs to her as soon as I park, throwing her arms around Livia in a tight embrace. Despite avoiding me, the two have been talking over the last few weeks and have become, dare I say, close friends. It irks me for some unknown reason.
No, I know the reason. It’s because they gang up on me, and Ari doesn’t seem to mind as well after she talks with the Von Dovish sister.
“Maxi says I can’t date anyone!”
Livia’s golden eyes sparkle at me over my sister’s shoulder, little creases in the corners lifting in a smile. “He’s a fucking brute. I’ll kick his ass for you.” She gives me a wink before I can ask her to roughhouse with me in the basement gym. Her presence here at the house makes me calm, yet excited at the same time. I’m growing dependent on her visits.
Arianna sniffs and wipes her nose. “Thank you. Are you here for me, or him?”
“Him, unfortunately, but I’ll come have dinner with you after.” She tucks a piece of hair behind Ari’s ear.
Arianna heads off into the house, but I stop her. “Ari, we’re going to have dinner with the Von Dovishes tonight. Clean up.” With a sigh, she nods, then goes inside.
Taking a drink of poison, I let my eyes scope out Livia’s body. Her teases over the last few weeks have left me sick with blue balls. I’m about to head to the Crimson Angel to bust my nut if she doesn’t show any sort of green light. Walking over to her, I pin her against her car with my body. Leaning my full weight on her, chest to breast, I plant my arms on either side of her head.