Page 80 of Beastly Armory
“Egon and Gemini are on it. We’ll get him back, Mrs. Freidenberg.” Realizing Aries is leaving, I suddenly spawn awake, pain be damned.
Before Aries takes off, I yell, “I’m coming with you!” Beating my fists against Jackob’s tight chest, he wrestles me tighter against his body.
Aries shakes his head, still donning the black mask before jumping inside the vehicle and speeding off in a cloud of dust.
My husband… Max could be anywhere. Half my heart is missing. How does a person live without their heart inside? No. There’s no way I’m leaving my partner alone. No matter how much Jakob tries to hold me back. Max needs me and I need him.
I’m going to get him back.
Acquiescing for the moment while Jakob brings me inside, Maggie waits in the small parlor for me with a medical kit.
“It’s fine. I don’t even think it penetrated. Just… hurry,” I say, shucking off my coat and peeking at my shoulder. There’s a lot of blood loss, but the bullet falls out of the sleeve as I rip off my clothes.
Maggie sets to work, quietly stitching where the bullet cut through my skin and some muscle. It hurts, but I was a wuss to lose it in the car. Especially when Max told me to keep my eyes on him. I held on to consciousnessas long as I could until they threw him in the back of that car. The man who took him… he had a tattoo like Strauss’s men did who chased me a few months ago.
Once the healer has completed her work, I run upstairs to change into slick leather pants and a fresh jacket before dialing Alpha. Despite her obsession with my brother, she’s taught me everything I know about staying stealthy. Sneaking into and out of places undetected is what she is known for in Gnarled Pine Hollow’s underground channels, and I need her skills now more than ever.
“Please, Alpha. I’m desperate. Iwillgo alone if you don’t go with me.”
A small sigh breaks through the speaker. “Livia… I can’t let you do that! Cal won’t like it.”
“So come with me.”
“Echoes says Aries and Gemini are in the vicinity of Strauss’s place. I think they have it covered. They’ll bring him home.”
“Alpha, you’re in love with my brother. I know it. If he were in trouble…” I bite my lip to prevent a sob from escaping. The torment of even thinking of losing Max is too much for me to bear. Iwon’tlose him. We have always been. We will always be.
After a moment’s pause, she replies, “Okay, Livia. I’ll take you. Be outside your gates in ten.”
We hang up, but before I step downstairs, Arianna emerges from her room in a hurry, her normally perfectly managed espresso-colored locks disarranged.
“What’s going on? Jakob said?—”
Taking a few strides, I grab her hands in mine and squeeze. “Strauss has your brother.”
Arianna’s eyes fill with tears, her thick bottom lip quivering. “This is about me, isn’t it?”
My head tilts in confusion. “What do you mean?” How much does she know?
“He wants me. Strauss wants me. Wyatt told me—he told me that Strauss burned down the building to get me. Said that Strauss sent his men to kill Derichs. Max never tells me anything.”
Pulling her into my body, I tighten an arm around her waist in a hug. “Yes, he does want you, but there’s no way we will let that happen, Ari.”
She nods against my shoulder. “You two have always protected me. I love you both.” Letting her go, I take a few steps away, our hands lingering as long as possible.
“Stay with Jakob.” Turning toward the stairs, I pause. “I’m getting him back, Ari. I love you.”
Within eight minutes, Alpha arrives in a blacked-out Maclaren. Sliding into the passenger side, I grip the seat as she takes off like lightning toward the Strauss mansion.
“There’s a back entrance through the crypts. It’s not pretty, and it’s creepy, but you better follow and not make a fucking sound. Got your boots on?”
“Yes. Covert mission outfit engaged. It’s been a while, but I remember everything you taught me. I’m ready. I have to be.” She pulls the car under some trees down the street. Snagging her sleeve, I stop her before she bolts out of her door. “Alpha, he’smine. He’s my lion, my husband, and I won’t live without him.”
“Desperation can force mistakes. Take your emotions out of this. Now, move.”
Winter has settled in the valley, causing my skin to ache with the sharp cuts of the cold air, but I ignore it. This is the night all my training has led me to. We climb a steep incline, grabbing roots to lift us on the particularly slick parts, the path chosen because there are no cameras in this area.
Spiked iron fencing lines the property. There’s a spot that has just enough space for us to slide under. My jacket gets caught on a rod, but I tug it free and scramble to my feet as Alpha motions with her finger to remain quiet. We’re on Strauss land now. In my mind, I play a twisted game of would you rather. If I got caught, would it be worse to be a sex slave or be tortured for eternity?